June 11th, 2012

[info]seetheuniverse in [info]retrnprdse_net

I'm sorry I forgot everything. Especially Zadkiel and Jason Maybe, for the future, I should keep a detailed list of things going on.

[info]man_of_earth in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Jack Harkness]
So. Uncle Jack. What was all that about you being my grandfather?

You still around? Doing okay?

[info]shotgun_royalty in [info]retrnprdse_net

filtered away from cloud

I have a question, particularly for scientists or medical practitioners. I have a friend who is suffering from what is perhaps best described as a kind of autoimmune disease. His body is essentially attacking itself, after undergoing an experimental medical procedure, and it has the potential to become quite debilitating, even life-threatening. I suffered from a similar condition, after I was inadvertently infected with similar alien cells, and though I was healed, the means through which I was healed do not seem to exist in this world.

I promised him that I would find an alternative treatment, at any cost. Is there anyone who might be able to help point me in the right direction?

[info]stainofdishonor in [info]retrnprdse_net

Okay, so...apparently I've been rescued from the Dementors. Not so sure how, or who, but whoever it was, uh, thanks for that.

Not quite sure what this place is, though. Looks kinda...well...shitty to be honest. But no complaints! It's better than Azkaban.

Mind telling me where I am, though?

[info]balthazar_angel in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Filtered away from evil]

Party at my place. Everyone is invited. Bring your own whatever, I don't care.

There's going to be everything you could need supplied, so it doesn't matter.


Oh, and the party isn't over until everyone leaves. This could go on for days.

[info]shotgun_royalty in [info]retrnprdse_net

Private; Cloud Strife

There are some people I would like you to meet with as soon as possible.

July 2015



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