May 9th, 2012

[info]the_simple_man in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Accidental Video Feed via Eve]

[As the Camera clicks on, Eve snaps Dean's neck as he's left in a slump on the ground. You can hear Eve's message, but it's slightly crackly over the feed.]

And John can deliever a message to Crowley. That if he ever wants to see his little angel again, he'll meet up with us. Where I say.

[Next, John is seen crawling over to his son, who is missing an ear. John is bleeding from where his head hit the gravestone when he got thrown, and he's holding onto Dean's body, calling his name. John then picks the body up, and starts to walk out of the graveyard, back towards town. The video feed clicks off.]

[info]prettyprimrose in [info]retrnprdse_net

Private to Karrin

Karrin, I don't like Carl! He's insisting that bad people have to be killed, no matter what. many of my people...friends, family, and accquaintances have been killed where I's wrong! Punishment, yes, but not by death! I can't live in a place where that's the normal thing to do...

[info]lilellie in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Just to Those In Torchwood]

Is anyone on this thing? Lilly and I want to play outside, but I'm afraid to go outside alone...will someone come play with us?

[info]ex_otherpond475 in [info]retrnprdse_net

...not feeling well

[info]onlyidrive in [info]retrnprdse_net

Uh... Did I miss something?

I had my comm off, and it looks like there's a lot going on...

[info]onlyidrive in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Private to Mary]

Are you... Okay?

[info]milligana in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Filtered to Damon]

Things are kind of... weird. Think you can help me disappear for a few?

[info]onlyidrive in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Private to Adam]

I heard what happened to other me...

[info]winchestercharm in [info]retrnprdse_net

It's not fair

I just got him back in my life.

July 2015



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