May 2nd, 2012

[info]killthedevil in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Filtered to Sam]

I know I'm a shitty brother now but

Happy birthday, Sam.

[info]flirtyharkness in [info]retrnprdse_net


Everyone, we have a red alert. Red alert. I repeat. Everyone report to your stations immediantly! Vincent, I need a perimeter!

There's been a murder. I need you, now.

[info]dr_owen_harper_ in [info]retrnprdse_net

Someone's been injured. Jack said murdered, but I don't know. I'm headed to Torchwood right now, I might need your backup. I know it's supposed to be my day off, but you know how these types of things work.

I know it's supposed to be my day off, but someone's been injured at Torchwood. I have to go.

[info]looks_up_to_him in [info]retrnprdse_net

Miss Karrin... What's goin' on? I heard your comm going off. Did someone get hurt?

You don't talk much, d'you?

[info]the_simple_man in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Private to Future Dean]
I'm gonna need your help, son.

[Private to the Harvelle family]
Ellen, Jo.

I don't... I don't mean to be bringin' you ladies bad news... But.

Bill's dead.

[info]flirtyharkness in [info]retrnprdse_net


Today, we lost a team member who not a lot of you had gotten to know. His name is Hayden Schmitt, and he was a hunter. He was our supernatural specialist.

What I ask of all of you is to take a moment of silence for him.

Could I see you in my office... Please?

[info]ex_buckybarn236 in [info]retrnprdse_net

I'm finally on my feet and out again.

[info]notagem in [info]retrnprdse_net

Filtered away from Jason

Happy Birthday, Sam.

[info]notsofallenangl in [info]retrnprdse_net

I am supposed to express my happiness of Sam Winchester's birth today on my vessel's behalf. He almost was my vessel that one instance so it does seem appropriate

[info]the_simple_man in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Filtered away from evil]

Happy birthday, Sam.

July 2015



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