February 25th, 2012

[info]allheasked in [info]retrnprdse_net

I've fell over twice now.

What the hell.

[info]fantastic_rose in [info]retrnprdse_net

... What?

But I was... What is this? Where am I...

Is that a gravestone with my name on it?

[info]the_simple_man in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Filtered to Bill Harvelle]

Bill, it's me, John.

Please tell me you know what's goin' on. I'm currently stuck to some young lady I don't know, she's one of the girls we saved from the dragons, and when either of us get too far, we snap back together.

Are you alright?

[info]flirtyharkness in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Filtered to Ianto Jones]

Ianto. We have a problem.

I seem to be... Stuck. To someone. Someone I don't know. And it isn't you.

And this doesn't look good.

I'm not coming home for awhile because of this. Until I can figure out why we're stuck.

[info]prettyprimrose in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Filtered to the Women here]

Hi there. My name is Primrose Everdeen. I go by Prim at home. Some how, I was brought here, and I have nowhere to stay .I.. can't eve ncomprehend the things going on here. I come from a time where all of North America is in ruins, and kthose who do remain are living underground in a military base.

This place...it doesn't look like it is even affected by any of Capitol's bombs....Anyway.

I'm sort of camped out what seems to be a poskt office .Don't really remember ever having one of those......

any help someone can offer would be good.....and I will do my best to not be a pest.

[info]harvelle in [info]retrnprdse_net

Voicemail left for Owen

Hey, it's me. Not sure what's going on, but I...somehow showed up at the hospital. I tried to leave and somehow I keep getting pulled back to some guy. I'll let you know more when I can. Call this number back, I guess - mine's at home. And could you check on Ellie? A brief pause, then much softer: Love you. Bye.

[info]dr_owen_harper_ in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Call back to Jo]

Uh, I got your voicemail... And well. Let's just say I don't think you're crazy.

And I've met your mother. Wonderful woman.

Are you alright?

[info]harvelle in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Filtered to Ellen Harvelle]
Mom? So...that guy you're stuck to? Is my boyfriend.

Please don't hurt him.

[Filtered to Bill Harvelle]
Dad, are you okay?

[Filtered to Ellie]
Hey, how you doing kiddo?

[info]connor_macmanus in [info]retrnprdse_net

[Filtered to Murphy]

Please tell me you ain't in any trouble, dear brother.

You aren't here, and there's some woman in the room. I promise if you don't answer me, I will kill everyone until I find you.

July 2015



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