21 April 2011 at 08:47 pm
[ the first raindrops are a pleasant surprise, but with the thunderclap, his first instinct is to laugh. not far from the apartment building, he strips off his uniform coat -- which is covered with colored water, powder and paint, and takes the stairs two at a time.

first, he knocks on the girls' door -- he doesn't know if they're in or not -- and just calls to them, telling them to come up onto the roof. not stopping for a reply, he climbs up to his floor and does the same for his own apartment. ]

Hey, you're wanted on the roof, man!

[ up he goes, onto the open, flat space. grins up at the "sky" and drops down onto his back, letting the rain fall on his face. ]
Location: Day 111 / Apartment, Sector 3 / Early Evening
[semi-closed action; early morning]
18 April 2011 at 08:39 pm
[today, Lenalee's apartment is going to have a special visitor.]

[It really wasn't difficult at all to sneak inside. The difficult part was dragging Belle and Road's basket of ribbons and lace up the tree and through the window. But the job's done and Belle has is now curled up at the foot of Lenalee's bed. Road also, has made herself at home quite comfortably. She's even threaded several ribbons through Lenalee's pretty dark hair. Now all she had to do was...put Lenalee in this pretty dress without waking her up...somehow]

[Road looks over the dress and down at the sleeping Lenalee thoughtfully. Now how should she do this....]

[ooc: action's open to everyone living in Lenalee's house, her neighbors, Belle, etc!]
[ voice / EVENT ]
18 April 2011 at 06:05 pm
--I can't believe they're celebrating Holi. [He's kind of thrilled about it, and laughs.]

Holi is a festival of colors. I'm not sure if there's religious significance to it or not, other than that it's for spring, but in India people would throw colorful liquid or powder on passersby. And if you say to them, "Pardon me, but it's Holi," they're supposed to forgive you.

It's a lot of fun, if you can relax enough for it. If not... [sly] maybe you should stay indoors today?

((ooc: Respond to his voice post here! Otherwise this is an EVENT POST. Comment here if you want your character to get powdered, or if you want to lurk and throw brightly-colored water at other people, and other people will respond to your comment to oblige! Calling all pranksters, goofballs, and trolls!))
[Video | Open]
11 April 2011 at 06:24 pm
[Her conversation with Minako the day before taught her something: two worlds can be very, very similar, with only a single difference. That got her thinking about a question she's had for a long time, and only made her more determined to find out the truth. Did anyone else go through what they did? Is there someone else here from a world with the game?]

Um, excuse me... this question might seem weird to people who don't know what I'm talking about, but there is a reason for it.

Does anyone here come from a world with... giant robots?
05 April 2011 at 01:16 am
Good morning boys and girls! We do hope you've slept well! [because they haven't slept at all.] We have a proposition for you, hmm? [Have a large, eerily grinning face in your video, Marina!]

How many of you more rambunctious sorts would be interested in a fight club? An all out brawl between yourself and another! Everyone gets a turn! The only rules are no disabling injuries, and when someone surrenders, you back off!

We're still working out the kinks, but for now, we'd like to just gather a headcount! Don't all pipe up at once! There'll be plenty of action for everyone! [they laugh]
02 April 2011 at 02:59 pm
[ This post is brought to you by the memorial gardens! Not that you'd know, because she's not showing her face today. ]

I don't entirely understand memorials. But, if it's a matter of deserving one, this place is too empty. How do I go about filling it?

[Exorcist Filter]
Who made hers?

[ooc: feel free to catch her unawares with an action tag, if it suits you!]
30 March 2011 at 07:11 pm
[The distant sound of rustling, the length of her dress flapping around her knees as she shifts; getting a closer look at the stone slab.]

Who's Anita?

[Action | Open]
24 March 2011 at 11:23 am
[Nakama's going to be starting self-defense training really soon, so she figures she ought to get herself into better shape. After a quick jog, she heads to the athletic facility and -

- well, just kind of stands there. She's done hard work before, so she's not in bad shape, but she's never actually worked out before. What does she do? Where should she start? Of course, she wouldn't dream of asking anyone for help, so instead she just plunges in and starts on the punching bag.

Bare-handed, and hitting so tentatively that it barely even shivers.

Come to help? Or to lol?]
23 March 2011 at 12:38 pm
[It shouldn't have been a problem. Miranda's tried to cook new things before. But she'd been distracted getting plates and feeding Lee, and she's totally forgotten to turn the burner down. So when she added butter to it, all that greeted her was smoke.

Not a problem! She's used to that. So she added more butter. And then the bread and cheese and--oh dear it shouldn't be cooking this fast should?

No, it's sticking to the pan! Where did all this smoke come from? WHY WON'T IT UNSTICK FROM THE PAN?

Miranda managed to turn the eye off, but the smoke is still coming and she's starting to cough from all of it. She rushes into the small living room and picks up Lee from where he's sitting nervously in the doorway and hurries out the front door, smoke following her out it.]

{OOC: Action open to anyone who would be in the apartment complex and she doesn't have her communicator on yet.}
[video / action][open]
22 March 2011 at 06:35 am
[ dear lord why is he awake? becoming an early riser would be inconvenient! oh well, he's up and actually hanging out in the athletic complex -- he's awake and somewhere other than the library; when did he turn into Yu?

he's had a run and done some exercises, but one can only do so much alone. so, have a smiley redhead showing up on your video screens, Marina. ]

Anyone feel like tryin' to beat me up? [ grin!! ] There's gotta be somebody I've pissed off lately.

((ooc: Tags may be a little slow during the day (EST) but I will get to all tags!))
16 March 2011 at 05:05 pm
[Step one. Scope out tree.

Step two. Climb tree.

Step three. Fall down at least once, because the tree is unforgiving and gravity will not give you a break, not for a second.

Step four. Frantically fix hair! This is important.

Step five. Check a mirror.

Step six. You don't carry a mirror.

Step seven. Climb tree again! Succeed this time. Don't look down, don't look down--

Step eight. I said, don't look down!
Step eight-b. Feel slightly queasy, get tighter grip on branch.

Step nine. Extend out on branch. Take a moment to make sure you look cool, like you've done this hundreds of times before and weren't just inspired by an old episode of Phoenix Ranger Featherman-R.

Step ten has been omitted for time.

Tap-tap-tap on the window,
] Hey, Lenalee-san!

((OOC: Sob Ryoji decided to climb a tree into an apartment building window. Feel free to come across him.))
08 March 2011 at 11:09 am
[ hey there Marina; have a quick shot of the artificial sky, some trees, and then an amused-looking face floating into view. some of you may -- uh -- recognize Kanda's costume from the ball! ]

Guess I owe someone a thank-you for the cookies. They really helped soften the whole "in prison for the rest of your life" blow.

[ why doesn't he really look or sound like it's a huge blow? well... ] Can anybody tell me more about this other version of me, the one that's supposedly back home even as we speak? That'd be great.
[filtered: the order, minus alma]
07 March 2011 at 08:51 pm
[ someone is heading back into his apartment in the wee hours of the morning. someone was not at home the night before last, or yesterday, or in fact until just now. in fact, you might say that someone has been hiding.

the second he gets inside his apartment door, however, he flicks on his communicator for the first time in 60 hours and says into it ]

Wake up.
26 February 2011 at 11:31 pm
A dream is a wish your heart makes~ )

[The video clicks on to see a familiar, but vastly changed face with the same dark eyes and shaggy hair. The eyes are wide and confused, there's a tenseness to the features, pinched.]

What happened?! N-No one said drinking alcohol would make me turn into an adult!

{OOC: Canon-update! Alma's memories are coming to him now, so expect some confusion and big mood swings. Action open to Team Free Will household and a few others like Yu.}
[Action | Open]
24 February 2011 at 12:55 pm
Ramble under here. )

[Naoya, walking unsteadily with alcohol on his breath, wanders down to the beach, carrying a bag with him. He sits down, and starts digging a hole in the sand. He pulls out some branches he collected from the park and sticks them in there, and then pulls out some books from his bag.]

[They're bibles, and there's three of them, covered in notes. He starts ripping out the pages and tossing them in the pit he's building, before pulling out a rock and a dull kitchen knife. He strikes the rock with the knife, trying to make a spark, and finally manages it, setting the paper aflame.]

[He sits back and watches the words burn, before curling up in the sand next to the pit.]
22 February 2011 at 05:27 pm
[ quite late in the morning, a redheaded lump slooooowly emerges from its cocoon and wanders toward the bathroom. very thirsty, very head-poundy. very much trying to avoid light so is also walking around with his visible eye closed.

... just going to stick his whole head under the cold tap in the bathroom sink. and stay there for a little while. and pray to whatever deity might actually exist that Lincoln doesn't start barking. ]

((ooc: Household post! Feel free to tag in, event-style, if your character has an inclination to come visit Lavi or Allen or has a different reason for being there. :D))
Location: Day 103 / Apartment, Sector 3 / Late Morning
19 February 2011 at 11:16 pm
So... it seems there's a group of boys who don't want to let girls into the clubhouse.

[ airily ]

Well, then. Who'd like to form a Host Club staffed by women? Welcoming male and female customers, of course.
[Action | Open]
19 February 2011 at 06:44 pm
[Unlike usual, Cross isn't making the slightest bit of effort at hiding himself. Anyone around might even say he's making a scene, what with the way he's kicking at every little piece of litter (or bot, for that matter) in his path. The sling around his right arm and the various cuts and bruises on his face, along with his cracked mask and burned out coat, should give some clue as to why --]

[-- although really, it's just because the stupid bartender robot wouldn't let him take the bottle with him. Piece of junk.]

[Notably, the holster where he usually keeps Judgment is empty. But anyone who thinks he's defenseless? He thinks you should just try him.]

((OOC: Anyone for a pissed off, slightly drunk, injured General? Oh, NOAH~~~ Come and get it!))
[action/closed | video/open]
15 February 2011 at 12:16 pm

[The feed flicks on and here's a happy face of a happy boy! He's a little... confused about this, but he did say he'd do it and what's the harm.]

Heiwajima-san? Yeah, I was told to tell you that your brother was last seen in Sector 1. [Glance down briefly.] Sorry. Kasuka. Kasuka was last seen in Sector 1. Got that?


[Guess who's leaning like a boss outside the cinema doors. He's finally acquired a jacket, but it's unbuttoned and the sleeves are rolled up.

That's good enough, right?]
14 February 2011 at 09:01 pm
[ it's been a very, very long night, but Suzaku is still in the Defense Force Headquarters the next morning. earlier than usual, in fact, since he skipped his morning swim. and breakfast.

he'll be pacing HQ, looking more than a little bit run-down, all morning. ]

((ooc: Joining the DF today? Hoping to start a task force? Just looking to offer condolences because of how sucky yesterday was? :D Suzaku was off the communicators after last night's disaster, but he's here and physically available now~.))