005: Mixed messages [Audio // Open]
24 March 2011 at 06:28 pm
[After thinking through whether or not it was a good idea for quite a bit, she finally decides that this would be a good way to find some things out - especially with the situation between herself and Minato. It would also allow her to uncover some other possible Persona users. After all, if there are other people here from her version of Japan as well, it could be possible for such a thing to exist? Especially since they seem to come from her future, after all.]

[Audio feed clicks on, for her to get just a single question in:]

What does the word 'Persona' mean to you?

[Here's hoping this doesn't end up with too negative an outcome.]
17 March 2011 at 11:38 pm
[LOCKED from: Euphemia]

[Because Souji A) is Japanese, B) is friends with numerous other Japanese people, C) is pretty protective of those friends, and D) has no idea what's going on, he's making a concerned and confused post.]

How sturdy is the Defense Force jail?

[LOCKED to: Investigation Team members]

Are you guys alright? Where are you?
[Video | Action | Open]
16 March 2011 at 07:34 pm
[Timid, shifting from hoof to hoof, a yellow pegasus with a beautiful pink mane looks nervous, fearful even, as she hides behind a rock, peeking out on occasion. The network device is sitting off to the side and slanted, as though obviously taken off. Shaking from head to hoof, you’d imagine that she’s cold, but the temperature outside isn’t bad. Voice trembling, it’s so quiet and faint that you have to struggle even just to hear it.]

Oh my a...a prison. Um...t-there must be a terrible mistake. You see...I don’t do very well with scary things, and criminals sound exceedingly frightening...

[Glancing around, swallowing thickly and voice lowering if ponally possible into a near squeak.]

Twilight Sparkle...? Rainbow Dash? This...i-isn’t a prank, is it Pinkie Pie...?
[Video/Action | Open]
15 March 2011 at 02:36 pm
[She's down at the memorial gardens, sitting by her tree again. After a particularly long talk with her mom, she's prompted to ask:]

What were - or are, I guess - your parents like?

[Then, thinking of Ushiro:]

I mean, unless they were really awful or it's complicated or something, in which case... I'm sorry I made you think about it. Just pretend I didn't say anything.

[If you'd like to meet with her, the park is visible in the background, so you know where she is. Othewise, video is go!]
[action / SO OPEN]
09 March 2011 at 10:56 pm
[lalala it's Valentine's Day and Orihime is the chocolate fairy~*~ She has made a ridiculous amount of chocolate and candy and treats for all her friends. She is on a quest, traversing the dome with a basket held out in front of her to hand them out to everyone. She's singing to herself as she goes, in a good mood. She is so pleased that even with her arm in this condition she was able to make more than enough to go around.

Annnnd it is taking her mind off her broken hairpins lalala~!

Orihime is also wearing very obviously feminine clothing today so that nobody has to feel threatened by her chocolate. :D ]

((ooc: the following people get goodies -- Hitsugaya, Rukia, Nakama, Ushiro, Lacus, Rayflo, GIR, Venom, Lyle, Yuuri, Ryoji, Kid, Evo!Kitty, Mileina, Sasha, Kanji, Touma, Kaoru, Hikaru! also you, if you have a decent amount of CR with her but I have forgotten you on this list! you are also entitled to a little bag of candy if you are in the sewing club or the defense force. just say where you're running into her!

and finally, if you're not on the list but still want to ambush her / say hi / bully her into giving you treats, you can also tag ♥ ))
08 March 2011 at 01:03 pm
Please tell me this is a dream. Please. I need to wake up and be in my own bed. Or anywhere but here. I don't care how real this feels, it's messed up. Really, really messed up.

[Yosuke's trying to get his bearings on the situation, but really, he’s just looking around him and getting frustrated. Denial is very serious business, after all.]

What the hell kind of crimes are these supposed to be, anyway?! HELL NO! I've never-! None of this is making any sense, dammit! [Just thinking about it seems to get him worked up, but after a minute, he calms back down to a frustrated panic.]

Ugh, "whoever's" doing this… very funny. I don't even know how I got here, and I'm really supposed to believe all this? Man, this dream sucks. What a nightmare.

[He lets out a sigh.]
Fine. If I have to play along with this... other people are supposed to be able to hear this, right? Well, I’m kind of looking for someone. Well, a couple of "someones," actually. If I got stuck with something like this, they can’t be far behind, right? Uh, just let me know, okay?

Come on, self. Wakeupwakeupwakeup...
07 March 2011 at 11:54 pm
I'm in prison, then... [Souji sounds annoyed and frustrated, and just a little anxious.] This is-- I guess I can see why someone thinks I belong here, but--

[An abrupt silence ensues. Souji takes in a slow breath and lets it out in a controlled sigh. When he speaks, he sound considerably calmer.] Other people can hear this message, right? I'm Souji Seta, and I just got here. I'm trying to find out if any of my friends are here -- their names are Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, Kanji, Naoto, Rise, Teddie...

[Souji trails off and maintains silence for another moment before speaking.] Well, I can describe them if anyone recognizes those names. It'd take a while to list all their features.

[There's another brief silence from Souji before he speaks again.] Is there anyone from Inaba here? I hope not but... if you're from the town I want to get in touch with you.
07 March 2011 at 08:17 pm
Oh shit... Oh shit man, this is NOT good!

Oh god damn. Goddammit, Ryoki.. Why did you have to-

[Leo stops and is silent for two or three minutes. Then, he leaps up (as best as he can, restrained) from where he's been sitting down and begins shouting.]


Don't I even get like a trial, or a lawyer, or something!? THIS IS BULLSHIT YOU BASTARDS! You can't just throw me in some weird ass place like this and leave me here!!

03 March 2011 at 01:50 pm
[Things have been a little crazy, and Josak knows he's neglected the Boutique over it. But not today! He needs the distraction and sewing up a few new designs if just the ticket.

It looks like a few other people haven't showed up lately either. How many have gone home? Oh well.

Anyone who spots the white-stone building with the blue awning will also see the name Trés Magnifique painted on the window and lovely dresses and suits looking out over the street.

Inside there are rose petals sprinkled around some of the mannequins, the tablecloths and doilies are red, white, and pink. There are even heart-shaped cushions on the couches and lounge chairs. On each table is a vase with small bouquet of flowers in it, each representing a form of love or affection. All in favor of Valentine's Day.

Interested enough to come take a look?]

{OOC: This is an open post for anyone interested in checking out the Boutique, getting some nice clothes for Valentine's Day, or even becoming a contributor. Feel free to use this as an event-style post for people who wanted to do some shopping together, too, I don't mind. Just let me know.}
25 February 2011 at 12:44 pm
What do you think? Gentleman, ladies?

[See Ryoji's grinning face.

See the camera do a quick cursory pan of their apartment and down to... one [1] sleeping Minato, an uncapped marker held dangerously close to his face.]

He'd make a good bunny as long as he doesn't wake up.

Or maybe a clown-- [tapping the other end of the marker against his own chin in thought.]
The 103rd Day
21 February 2011 at 10:12 pm
Good morning, inmates, it is the 103rd day of the third generation. The weather system has converted, and spring like temperatures will begin to take effect soon.

In two days' time St. Valentine's Day will be observed. According to records, it seems that a large date event was held on the last occurrence with remarkable success. Inmates are free to organize an event if they wish to this time; there is no need to speak with me concerning this, save if any materials or organizational assistance is needed.

Earl Lloyd, your request may be retrieved at the entrance to Sector 0.
[Voice/Action | Open | Backdated to early evening]
20 February 2011 at 11:54 am
[They don't feel good. It's an irritating, churning feeling in their gut, and they're becoming restless and moody because of it. They've holed themselves up in a particularly sturdy tree, seeking the shade and the cold. They'll likely be up their all night, if they have their way.]

[They can't stop thinking about what happened to Orihime--and indirectly, how ready they were to flay the girl that attacked her right to the bone.]

[What's happened to them? Who are they? Man, or monster?]

What sort of critters would you all like to see in a zoo? [quietly, without their usual pep and vigor]Read more... )
17 February 2011 at 11:19 pm
Setting Up )

Umm...G-Good afternoon, everyone. [She brushes some hair behind her ear, then her hands disappear, out of sight.] Waking up here, in Marina, ummm...can be a little confusing and possibly scary, b-but it's all right! We were all new here once, so don't feel like y-you're alone. The Welcoming Committee wants you to know we're here for you and we want you to feel comfortable here--e-even if this isn't where you would choose to be. If you found s-something wrong with your welcome basket, please let us know? We could always use suggestions for improving it, o-or more committee members?

[Oh right, the real point of her announcement.]

So umm...there will be a light lunch and treats at the E-Education Center at five o'clock, if you would like to meet some of your fellow residents? Anyone can come, even if you've been here a long time. I--um, We just want you to feel comfortable and maybe make friends. No one has to be alone here.

{OOC: Feel free to volunteer to finish getting the room ready if you want, or just come to enjoy the food. Mingle, mingle! There is a video thread if you only want to speak to Miranda. Also, any Welcoming Committee members who want to say they helped plan/set up the luncheon, go right ahead!}
17 February 2011 at 04:18 pm
Can someone help me take a shower?

[It's been a while since she's trolled.

But she legitimately does need assistance! Not for the reason you may think, however.

Rather than be at home, she's at the shelter's public baths, sitting on a bench and enjoying the steam. Not quite comfortable with broadcasting in a towel, she's got a thin camisole and loose sweatpants on and there's a bag beside her. The sling is off so her arm is hanging loose, but there's still an evident cast going up to her elbow.]
[Action | Video | Open]
15 February 2011 at 01:48 pm
[Curtain up Video on a rather nervous Nakama, her cheeks flaming red and her eyes glancing around a little before directing forward. After a long pause, she squares her shoulders and suddenly seems much more pulled together, even speaking with some amount of authority.]

Hi everyone... I just wanted to let you know that there's gonna be a sewing club meeting today in the school's craft room. I brought some basic fabrics and a few patterns, but you can find more at the store if you want. Anyone is welcome to come.

I'm, um... [Glancing down at her hands for a moment, but once again pulling herself together.] ...well, I've never even been to a club meeting, never mind run one, so I hope you'll be patient with me. Orihime will be back in charge as soon as she's better.

So I guess I'll see some of you soon! And, uh, you can ask me questions here if you want. I'll do my best to answer.

[Another pause, while she tries to think of anything she might have missed, and then the feed cuts out.]

((ooc: Like she said, anyone's free to come! She'll be running the meeting for the better part of the day, since she'll want to fit in new people between their chores, so you can specify what time of day if you like. Threadjacks encouraged!))
[video / filtered from Euphemia] [action]
15 February 2011 at 01:10 am
[here is an Orihime! she is in a hospital bed and has a bandage wrapped around her head; her arm is in a sling and she's kind of pale, her hair hanging loose. lost]

Where... Where am I? Does anyone know who I am...?

[--ehe, awkward smile]

Just kidding... I always wanted to get amnesia after a head wound like they do on TV... But I guess I didn't this time either.

Um-- I'm sorry if I worried anyone yesterday when I didn't get home! Toushirou-kun, Kuchiki-san, I hope you were able to find the house okay... If not, I'll definitely make sure you get there tonight.

I just woke up and heard that I missed the whole day. So I didn't really prepare anything for the sewing club meeting. Can anyone from the sewing club take care of that so everyone can still go?

Let's see... Oh! And I was in the shelter, I think, so -- thank you, whoever brought me here! [ducks her head in a little bowww]

[clicks the video off! but she will clearly be in this hospital room for any visitors~]
[video | backdated]
13 February 2011 at 07:30 pm
[After all of those Stopgas, Aqua definitely looks weary. However, there's one last thing she needs to do before she can get some much-needed rest.]

The Defense Force has taken Euphemia into custody. It's safe to go back to the shelter and return to what you were doing.

Also, please disregard anything she told you about Miss Inoue. She was hurt but taken to the hospital and should recover.

((ooc: This is a placeholder for replies from Aqua for now, but other DF people should feel free to threadjack))
[video | open][action | closed]
11 February 2011 at 06:25 pm
[The video clicks on to a smiling face that should be familiar to most of the dome.]

Hello! I wonder if I could have everyone's attention.

[She tilts her head, looking fondly out into the video audience.] I need some help. You see, [She turns the device so that the shelter stairwell is visible and at the bottom is a redhead—twisted and lying limply.] Orihime is blocking the stairs, and I wouldn't want anyone to trip and get hurt! Could someone remove the body? Watch your step please!

Acumen took the gun I was using, but I still need to kill the rest of the Japanese here. So, if you're Japanese please go ahead and kill yourself or meet me by the koi pond. I'll drown everyone just as fast as I can.

Oh, I hope the fish don't mind.

08 February 2011 at 12:17 pm
[ Fumbling, only audio, then the camera clicks on to show pavement, until it's whipped around to show Teddie, looking confused. ]

Um... hello? What is this? Is this some kind of game? [ A thoughtful pause. ] I like games. But, isn't this taking it a little far? Plopping me in the middle of nowhere, and saying I'm in prison? [ He frowns, and mutters, ] And you even made up a bunch of 'crimes'. I'm sure I never did half of these things! I don't even know what - [ a pause, and he says it slowly and of course wrongly, ] vilgilgantism is!

[ Another pause, this time longer, and he sounds distressed, now, ] I can't have been taken away. Nana-chan… Nana-chan needs my support! So - so, if this is real... [ a humph, like a child would when they're disciplined. ] You gotta let me go!
07 February 2011 at 09:59 pm
[ This is Kanji's face, scowling at the camera. Good to look tough in prison, right? Even if your prison was decked out with more sights than all of Inaba. ] What's this bullshit about a life sentence? I haven't even had a damn trial, and you're sayin' I have no choice but to deal with it?

So I've had had a couple of misdemeanors, there's no way that shit like skipping school's makes me more of a criminal! And I didn't bully anyone, damn it! [ See Kanji's fist. See Kanji's fist dent the wall in frustration. ]

Hey back off, you stinkin' tin can-- [ Kicking a bot over with the heel of his shoe. ] I'll punch whatever the hell I want to!

[ Muttering ] What kind of prison has a beach, anyway?