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Jul. 19th, 2013


...I can't deal with this right now.


You know it's Friday when you're picking the town drunk up at 8 A.M.

I think he broke my finger. Fuck.


Gonna start the first movie around 6 tonight. I've got popcorn, chips, drinks, a sandwich platter, and three different kinds of desserts.

Everyone is welcome. Bring whatever you'd like.

Jul. 18th, 2013


Watching Risky Business and The Breakfast Club this weekend, if anyone wants to join me.

Jul. 16th, 2013


Oh my gosh tonight was amazing.


Nothing like listening to Seger and attempting to recreate a scene from Risky Business while cleaning. Happy Tuesday everyone.

Jul. 15th, 2013


Since when did becoming a headmistress send you to Pleasantville? Did someone decide it was time to play with the time space continuum again?



This ain't right.


A house? What's next, 2.5 kids and a golden retriever? I don't think so.

Jul. 14th, 2013


Seems like the cupcakes were a hit, and I really enjoyed making them. Guess I can do this normal thing, after all.


Good game, all.

Jul. 13th, 2013


So, really, this place isn't half bad, is it? I mean, sure, it's a bit strange to get pulled away from your home like that, but I kind of like it here.

Partially because I've never had a real home of my own before

Maybe I'm just...too used to weirdness.


Made a ton of red velvet cupcakes for the game, there are more than enough for people who go hang out with Grace and Tess too.


Since there was so much interest, I've devised the following plan.

We'll split up into two games of five players. The two players who win each game will face off in a battle for the kitty.

Buy in is $150, which makes said kitty at least $1650, that could go up if we get any more interested players.

The game will be tonight at 7 PM at my house, No 9 Archibald Street.

If you want to bring a dish or drinks to share, please feel free. I'll be supplying some wings and beer.

[OOC: I wasn't planning to scene this due to the complexity of the game and the size of the group, but I'm not sure how to figure out who won either. Any suggestions?]

Jul. 12th, 2013


I taught Chance how to play dead. Now he does it every time he has to get a bath.


I'll bring some grub to the poker game. Any requests?


Oh good, things are looking up here!



I'd be up to being employed again. I'm good with computers. Very good. Maybe get my hands on a few files too.


Anyone happen to know if there is a shooting range around here?

Jul. 11th, 2013


I'm thinking about throwing a poker game at my house one of these weekends. Would anybody be up for it?

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