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August 12th, 2013

[info]_becauseican in [info]lincolnnet

Someone tell me when it's safe to look at the Network again. If I have to read another message about removal vans, I'll have to kill myself.

This is not a new thing, people! It happens. All the time. People show up, then they leave.

[info]breakable_bella in [info]lincolnnet

Alice? Ja

...What the hell just happened? Where am I?

[info]cmobonesmccoy in [info]lincolnnet

Christine Chapel (Private)

I need to talk with you. It's important.

[info]pureheartedsnow in [info]lincolnnet

I had always dreamed that I would one day reach Earth but I never imagined it would be like this. To me, it was with the rest of the fleet, all celebrating with one another. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would arrive alone, in another universe but here I am.

I have found papers here that lead me to be a qualified teacher which while it wasn't my current job is something I have missed doing a lot over the years.

Though I have to admit I am still quite surprised by being on Earth - I didn't believe them at first at the town hall I believe it was when they told me our location. Still if it is true then it is a blessing even if none of the rest of the fleet is here to see it. I am sure they would love to know that our search isn't futile.

[info]historyispower in [info]lincolnnet

I can't believe I finally got offered a teaching job after I've had such a hard time finding one! I've never heard of a place called Lincoln River in my life, but I'm more about history than geography.

Anyway! I'm really excited to be here and to be teaching. My name is Andrea, but everyone calls me Dre... and if you're in my class, you can call me Ms. Jackson. Looking forward to corresponding with you all!

[info]manwithareason in [info]lincolnnet

Monday night

All the kids are out partying and I'm stuck at home with a baby. No one told me adulthood would be this sucky.

Children, condoms are good!

[info]breakable_bella in [info]lincolnnet

I just... I can't even... This is insane.

We can't just be stuck here, right?

I mean, what are we supposed to do?