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July 5th, 2013

[info]russiandoll in [info]lincolnnet

I actually had a pretty good time last night. The fireworks were so beautiful. And the proposal was really cute.

Congratulations, guys!

[info]vampire_barbie in [info]lincolnnet

I just wanted to say I'm sorry, for everything, to everyone. I wasn't dealing in a healthy way.

In an effort to change that, I'll be having a sleepover at my house tonight. But I understand if no one wants to come.

[info]gettoughgeteven in [info]lincolnnet

Last night was so much fun. I'm really glad I went.

[info]dangerwhore in [info]lincolnnet

If people could not think so loudly, I'd sure appreciate it.

[info]marytudori in [info]lincolnnet

I am not certain how to make this a private entry, but Captain James Kirk? If you are here? I' your assistance, please.

[info]excellentbottom in [info]lincolnnet

No offense meant to anyone, but I'm glad that's over with. Americans are so bloody loud.

[info]evenstarsburn in [info]lincolnnet

Today is a good day.

[info]coeurloyal in [info]lincolnnet

Mary, Elizabeth, I have been told that you are here.

I should like to speak to both of you, in turn.

[info]yourmayor in [info]lincolnnet

Thanks to everyone who came last night.

And congratulations to Mr. Williams and Miss Spencer on your engagement. I'm happy that my little party could be the setting for that wonderful memory.

[info]needhaggis in [info]lincolnnet

I suppose I should find something to do for work, since I'm not sure I can sit around forever. But I'm not sure if there's anything available for my... skill-set.

[info]rookie5o in [info]lincolnnet

It's nice enough here, but I definitely miss Hawaii. I was not made for the mainland.

[info]redhairedbird in [info]lincolnnet

I've gotten at job at Rainbow Blocks Day Care. I start next week. I was hoping to work at a nursery school but nothing starts until the fall. Going to keep my fingers crossed though. They have my resume.

I kind of feel like celebrating.

[info]ourstrangeduet in [info]lincolnnet

Last night's ball was nice, the fireworks reminded me of the New Years celebration that we would have at the Opera House. I would always watch from the roof. A lovely lady and my son on my arms made this American holiday all the more enjoyable. I completely understand you wanting your freedom from the British.


Christine confessed something to me last night. The child is mine and not that idiot husband of hers. I'm happy yet...horrified at the same time. Horrified I left a pregnant woman alone. Horrified I left this child to be raised by that idiot Raoul. Horrified because I know NOTHING about children and then...happy. Happy that she told me the truth...happy that the baby likes me....



Where...that is to say...what happens now?