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July 3rd, 2013

[info]bloodredcleric in [info]lincolnnet

I will introduce myself. My name is Cesare Borgia, Duke of Valentinois, Papal Gonfaloniere and Commander of the Papal Army, son of Pope Alexander Sextus.

If it is true, what I have been told, and this is not Hell, I would to return to my own land and time, with all haste. It would be unwise for any being, less than God himself, to keep me here against my will.

[info]russiandoll in [info]lincolnnet

I think today is a good morning to go for a nice long run.

[info]hergiftisdeath in [info]lincolnnet


Back in my high school days, I use to be good at fashion and girly things, but since the bloody, slayer aspect of my life has taken over I've been busy, I haven't really been able to focus on how I look.

When it comes to dressing up, I suck. A lot.

[info]redhairedbird in [info]lincolnnet

I am looking forward to the fireworks tomorrow.

[info]rookie5o in [info]lincolnnet

Feels good to be employed, even if it's not the same as home.

[info]sealbamf in [info]lincolnnet

Jeez, apparently last night was the night to have a shitty time and I missed the memo.

[info]evenstarsburn in [info]lincolnnet

I was so never cut out for parenthood. Jesus Lord, help me.

Just got groped by an 80 year old. This day is going so slowly.

[info]notahistorypuff in [info]lincolnnet

Who the hell is Father Jacob? You work for the Governor?

Jerkoff better show your damn face. I ain't in the mood for games.

[info]tooprettytodie in [info]lincolnnet

Funny thing. I have this shiny new phone, but I can't seem to contact, like, anyone I know. Someone want to tell me why that is?

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]lincolnnet

Tuesday. Why is it always Tuesday?

[info]sheisjustagirl in [info]lincolnnet

Filtered to Klaus [info]hybridalpha

You promised me a drink.

[info]kathrynjaneway in [info]lincolnnet

When Nathan and I went to sleep last night in New York, waking up in yet town was not what we expected. Being kidnapped twice is a bit extreme don't you think? Still at least Nathan and I are together so that is something.

Also on that note are there any doctors here?

[info]vampire_barbie in [info]lincolnnet

Does anyone else want to kick me today? Go ahead. Step right up.

On second thought I think I'll go enjoy this beautiful sunshine sans jewelry.

[info]ex_littlebab65 in [info]lincolnnet

I'm ready to go home, now.

[info]thismanofhonor in [info]lincolnnet

It never fails to surprise me how selfish some idiots are.

[Private to Klaus, Rebekah and Katherine]

Have you completely lost your mind in breaking up with that girl, Niklaus? Do you honestly give a lick what her friends think? You're really going to let them get in the way of you being happy and you MAKING her happy? Have you gone completely mad?

[info]littlebesstudor in [info]lincolnnet

I have just been shown how to use this device. It is quite odd is it not? I am not sure what to make of it but the fact that others can sit here and read what I am typing is intriguing if not odd. I have been here for awhile but I am still getting used to this place it is so different to my home.