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Jul. 3rd, 2013


Who: Eden, Sully, and open
What: After a bit of shopping, and window shopping, Eden heads for a bite to eat before heading back to the Mare Crisium.
Where: Gustavia
When: Late-morning to mid-day June 3rd (Day 4)
Rating: G

There were reasons for Eden disembarking in Gustavia. )

Jun. 29th, 2013


around Gustavia

WHO: Mal and Prasad
WHEN: Monday, June 3; around 11AM
WHERE: Sightseeing tour of Gustavia, then elsewhere in town
WHAT: Prasad gets tired of the tour and slips off.
WARNING: Language

Having never been on a tour before, Prasad hadn't expected it to be so ... organized. )

Jun. 28th, 2013


Who: Sebastian, O'Brien
When: Monday, June 3rd, around 2:30pm
Where: A charming bistro with indoor/outdoor deck seating, overlooking one of the beaches.
What: Drinking, lunch, eyeing the boys.
Warning: Brannon O'Brien gets random nudity points!

Tourists were the bulk of the island’s economy, and so to the locals, he was sure that he looked like money. )

Jun. 27th, 2013


Who: Susie Wilson and Mike McBrayer
Where: Susie and Robert's Cabin
What: The air conditioning isn't working properly.
Rating: Low. Ish. Maybe.
When: Monday, June 3, around 6 PM.

This set up really was out of an adult movie. )

Jun. 25th, 2013


It don't matter how you worship, so long as you're down on your knees...

Who: Marcus and Bryant
When: May 23rd, afternoon.
Where: Bryant's home.
What: Brief scene to establish relationship with the boys.
Warning: Language. Starts off with hair-plucking, ends with Marcus wanting sex. Petty standard.

And for something like a second I was healed, and my heart was at ease. )

Jun. 24th, 2013


Who. Dahlia and Ian.
When. June 3rd, around 3 pm.
Where. The hall, deck, etc.
What. While taking Lucy on a walk, Dahlia runs into Ian Kingsley.
Warnings. TBD.

By the time they made it back to the room, Dahlia's feet ached and her shoulders stung from the light sunburn. )


Who. Ginny and Mal.
When. June 3rd, afternoon.
Where. St. Barth.
What. Just a little run in with a familiar face.
Warning. None, more than likely.

Luxury cruise or not, it felt remarkably like a giant cage. )

Jun. 23rd, 2013


WHO: Mallory Cunningham & Dr. Handsel
WHEN: FLASHBACK TIME. December 3, 2013
WHERE: Dr. Handsel's office
WHAT: Mallory's interview for his assistant position.
WARNING: Mallory being a nerd?

Mallory is a poor, stubborn grad student. Not a great combination. )

Jun. 18th, 2013


WHO: Ophelia and Max
WHAT: Celebrating their one year
WHERE: St.Barthelmy
WHEN: June 3rd, 4:30 - 8:30pm

Their one year anniversary may have technically been yesterday... )

Jun. 12th, 2013


WHO: Casper Decal and Mike McBrayer
WHEN: June 1, around 8pm
WHERE: Vehicle storage deck
WHAT: In the black of a quiet garage, a stowaway pokes her head out to ensure that the coast is clear.

I am your neighbor, I can hear you, I got this tin can with a string through )


WHO: Ian Kingsley
WHAT: Last Memories/Nona's Funeral
WHERE: Portland, Oregon
WHEN: January, 2013
WARNINGS: Depressing sadness?

Not gonna work this time, Dove. )

Jun. 11th, 2013


WHO: Eli and OPEN
WHAT: The Great Amadi's first show
WHERE: Cabaret Lounge
WHEN: 10:30pm-unknown (late!) on June 1st
WARNINGS: None yet, but will update as necessary :)

I'm walking with the fortune teller )

Jun. 10th, 2013


Who. Ginnifer and Serena.
When. June 1st, mid-morning.
Where. The deck.
What. Just some awkward conversation.
Warnings. None, but it's incomplete.

Ginnifer didn't sleep, though it wasn't for lack of trying. )

Jun. 4th, 2013


WHO: Ian and Serena
WHAT: Running into the last person either of them expected to see
WHERE: Upper deck to start, somewhere less public later
WHEN: June 1st, 4:15pm
RATING: PG-13 for language, will update as needed

The second day on the boat wasn't any less hectic than the first night... )

Jun. 3rd, 2013


WHO: Jenny and Ian
WHEN: June 1st, 2:00am
WHERE: Top Deck
WHAT: Sneaking out for a smoke
WARNING: PG-13 for language

I know this probably sounds crazy... )


WHO: Hunter & Mack.
WHEN: May 31st, 9:30pm.
WHERE: Tahitian Lounge.
WHAT: Hunter catching up with her friend before Mack spins the first dance of the cruise.
WARNINGS: Friendly foul language abound, little else!

We do it big, shining like stars, we don't give a fuck cause that's just who we are. )

May. 31st, 2013


WHO: Dakota & Ian
WHEN: Friday, May 31st, 6:30 PM
WHERE: backstage at Cabaret Lounge
WHAT: running into old costars before the BtV Q&A
WARNING: None yet but I will update as necessary

Sometimes a star was just born and that was how it was for Dakota Davenport. )


WHO: Jenny & Dahlia.
WHAT: Jenny delivers Dahlia some good news a week before they leave for their cruise.
WHERE: North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Dahlia & Jenny's bedroom.
WHEN: May 24th, 2013. One week before boarding the Mare Crisium!
WARNINGS: Nothing but cute.

There were bad times, lots of them, but lots of good times as well. Enough to outweigh most of the bad, in fact. )


WHO: Jenny & Dahlia.
WHAT: Jenny tries to get firm with Dahlia, small fight ensues.
WHERE: Rhode Island. Dahlia's hospital room.
WHEN: Autumn of 2010. Set approximately seven months after Dahlia's accident, three weeks after she wakes up from the following coma.
WARNINGS: Language, feels, nothing much else.

She was tired physically, of course, but it went a lot deeper than that. )

May. 30th, 2013


WHO: Jenny & Dahlia.
WHAT: The joking sexual challenge that started it all.
WHERE: North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Dahlia's bedroom.
WHEN: Spring of 2003.
WARNINGS: Nothing much, just some kisses!

Her mom had insisted that things would be better in Rhode Island. )

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