November 5th, 2008

[info]sugar_cube in [info]halcyon_houses

Week 21: Thursday

Who: Titania and Vinnie
Where: Vinnie's room
When: After classes
What: Guitar Hero battle!

As always, Titania rushed out of her last class. Really starting to love how she placed herself in the last row. Not even trying to do it on purpose – until lately. She said he hellos and goodbyes to the little rugrat in her room, leaving the whole school completely for a few quick moments. In the taxi, she called the closest Chinese place, giving an order, hoping Vinnie would like the surprise, and hope he’ll actually eat what she brought with her. It took the 15 minute drive to get to the place that the woman on the phone said the food would take. She quickly paid, grabbed the food, and rushed off toward the taxi to get back to the school.

Shou greeted her like always when she came rushing into the room, grabbing the leash, as well as the dog, putting the food down quickly to get the little pup ready for a new adventure. Titania’s emotions were running amuck. She kept thinking, would Vinnie like Shou?, would Shou be good and not misbehave?, and would he like the food! She kept trying to shake the anxious feeling off. But this always seemed to happen whenever she was meeting with someone new. She even tried to dress nice. Nothing too out there that might have the weird looks casted her way.

But what really kind of bothered her was – would she be able to survive the little trip up toward the boy’s level? Titania kept looking toward the stairs, watching if anyone was really looking, before taking two steps at a time, keeping her hand against Shou’s mouth to keep her from saying anything. One little bark could get them into trouble.

The adrenalin rush was almost causing her to giggle out loud! This would be the second time she snuck her way to some place that was off limits. She knew other students did it, so, why couldn’t she?

Titania took a deep breath, looking about the hall, coming to a complete stop in front of the door she hoped was Vinnie’s. The bag of food was placed upon her one wrist that held the dog. And before she could knock, Shou let out a loud bark. That made her stiffen, as if a ghost was behind her. Did anyone hear that? She quickly swept the hall, looking up and down, and once she thought she was okay, the breath she held was let out. Now she could make a soft knock on the door. Though, the little rat probably gave themselves away.

[info]pheonixwaves in [info]halcyon_houses

Week 21: Monday (Early Early)

Who: Ita and Jillian
What: A family reunion causes nightmares
When: After midnight, Monday morning
Where: Jillian's room

Fire. It was everywhere. Ita was choking on the smoke and hard as she tried, the water she pulled from the air wouldn't put it out. And the supply of water was quickly evaporating. Calling out for her parents, she made her way down the stairs. She saw them, facing two women whose features were obscured. Her father turned to say something to her, and Ita watched in horror as he went up in flames. Her mother turned to flee, to draw the women away, and Ita screamed.

She was still screaming when she woke up, soaked, in her own bed. For a while she just sat in her sopping wet jammies and bedsheets, hugging her knees to her chest and crying. Finally, she collected herself enough to change into dry clothes and towel off her hair. She couldn't stay alone in her room. It was too scary.

Shaking slightly, she made her way down the halls to the Jillian's room. Knocking lightly, she waited anxiously. She didn't want to ruin her friend's sleep, but she needed to be near someone right now. When the door finally opened, the blond asked pathetically, "Can I sleep in your room tonight? Please?" Tears were still welled up in her eyes, her hands were shaking slightly, and her hair was still damp. She looked as pathetic as she sounded.
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