October 29th, 2008

[info]ex_quarterba830 in [info]halcyon_houses

Week Twenty: Saturday

Who: Noah and Nat
When: EARLY Saturday morning
Where: House of Fire hallway.

It was way too god damn early. Or maybe it was too late. Noah wasn't entirely sure anymore. He did know that he had pretty much worn a path in the floor of his room with all his damn pacing. And why was he pacing? Because he was pretty sure he was in his first recorded all out fight with Nat. The kind where she didn't speak to him except to get angry at him or ask if he was ready to apologize. And the kind of fight where the gnomes really didn't make any appearances in his room.

It was seriously getting stanky up in there. Good thing Noah had spent more than half his life in a locker room. He was kind of used to the smell of feet. Actually kind of a familiar smell. Now that was kind of scary. Maybe he should just give in and pick up. You know with all that free pacing time he had on his hands.

As the clock worked its way around to 6am Noah didn't bother to clean.... instead he grabbed his ipod slid it into the strap for his arm and donned it, along with a sleeveless t-shirt and a pair of shorts. He needed to not be confined by these four walls. Needed to beat the last of the restless confused energy he had running through his system out through a good run. Like most runners, it usually helped him clear his mind. Though Noah wasn't sure that would help. He knew the problem. Knew... but wouldn't let himself do anything about it. Stupid. Stubborn. Oh did we mention stupid? Yep. He was being all of the above. But above all else he was just scared. Not something Noah liked to admit but it was the damn truth.

Fuck it. He was out. Noah threw open the door to his room and prepared to make short work of the guys wing of the House of Fire. The sound of a door opening behind him gave him pause and enough time to swing his head around.

What. The. Fuck.

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