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Apr. 7th, 2009


Prompt 78: Hidden and Roll Call

-emerges from her homework for an update-

The Gundams won the last challenge with 10 points!

The next challenge is HIDDEN. How does Duo ever hide that hair when people are looking for him? Where does Wufei hide between missions? Wherever they hide, write about it in 100 words!

Also, if you're still watching the asylum, comment on this post.

Apr. 3rd, 2009


Making Peace

Title: Making Peace
Characters: Duo, Trowa
Team: Gundam
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: This is fast becoming my favorite friendship. Where is everyone???

Trowa watches the column of smoke rising from razed ground that bleeds shrapnel; littered with screws, bullets, mementos. “That’s twice now.”

Duo quirks an eyebrow. “You snuck up on Wufei and detonated Altron?”

“No . . . I destroyed Deathscythe.”

His grin falters. Trowa knows in the way the corners of his eye tighten that the memory still lives. “That was you?” he breathes.

The moment is swollen, tense – then Duo chuckles. “Choked up there for a second. Should’ve seen me then . . . I about lost it.” His tone solemn: “Thanks. I’m glad it wasn’t those OZ bastards.”

Mar. 24th, 2009


Prompt 77: Lost

Oz has won the last challenge with 10 points! (plus a cookie for teeravayne for creative use of prompt)

The next challenge is LOST. Did Duo ever get lost on the streets of L2 as a child? Did Quatre ever run away from his father before becoming a Gundam pilot and the Rashid had to look for him? Did Catherine ever look for her brother years after loosing him? Whatever is missing, write about it in 100 words!

Mar. 22nd, 2009


I Only Know Paprika

Title: I Only Know Paprika
Characters: Noin, Zechs
Team: OZ
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: When I saw the prompt, I knew I had to write this one.

On Monday, he made sausages seasoned with paprika. On Wednesday, he made stew sprinkled with paprika. On Friday, he was peppering the rice with paprika when she stopped him.

“Zechs,” said Noin, pointing at their spice rack, “these aren’t for decoration.”

A sheepish smile curled his lips. “I only know paprika.”

“Really,” she teased, “in that case, let me introduce you to the curry.”

“What is it?”

“Originally? An Asian spice.” She guided him to the shaker and watched him scrutinize the label with amusement. “It’s a little like you actually. Exotic-sounding but really homely deep down.”

His brow furrowed. “Homely?”

Mar. 9th, 2009


Prompt 76: Seasons

The Gundams have won the past challenge with 10 points!!

The next challenge is SEASONS.  Does Quatre ever want to see snow while it's summertime in the desert?  Does Relena's view on life change with the different seasons?  Do Noin and Zechs go on a picnic in the spring?  Whatever the season brings, write about it in 100 words.

Mar. 3rd, 2009


The Last Laugh

Title: The Last Laugh
Characters: Duo
Team: Gundam
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Come on guys, it's getting awfully lonely here!

"If he's ugly, let him live."

When the first OZ soldier punched him, Duo caught his eye and smiled. When a second kicked his legs, thrashing him to the ground, he started laughing; mirth thrumming against aching ribs, insolent, wheezing, promising retribution.

"The hell is wrong with you?" growled the soldier.

"Nothing." Duo grinned viciously. "Just wanted to die smiling."

"You think we're going to put you out of your misery?" he snarled.

"We've got to let you live...if you're ugly enough," the other interrupted, chuckling. "But you're a pretty boy, aren't you?"

"Fuck off!" spat Duo, eyes dark with murder.

Feb. 24th, 2009


Prompt 75 -Caged

Oz has won the last challenge with 10 points!

The prompt for the next two weeks is CAGEDWhat does Duo feel while in the Oz prison?  Does Quatre feel trapped in the life of a soldier?  Is Relena trapped somewhere for  Heero to rescue?  However one is trapped, write about being caged in 100 words!

Feb. 13th, 2009


The Last Time

Title: The Last Time
Characters: Wufei
Team: OZ
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: Just stumbled onto this asylum! I'm glad the hiatus is over.

He visits an empty grave every year. Wufei knows there’s no one, no body, nothing beneath the frozen earth but he comes anyway. The first year, to beat his fists against the gravestone in stupefied guilt – whispering, why … why? – because how dare Treize let Wufei kill him.

The second, to say he wasn’t sorry he used his daughter to test the fragile peace soaked and bought with his blood. The third, to confess he didn’t like him, would never like him, but he was a better man for Treize having lived, them having met – and that this was the last time.

Feb. 9th, 2009


Prompt 74 - Routine

The challenges continue with PROMPT 74: ROUTINE

Even in a soldier's life, there are some things that are constant.   What does Heero do when he wakes up in the morning?  Does Wufei always practice his katanas at the same time?  Does Quatre secretly wish for peace every day at 11:11?  Whatever the do, write it in 100 words!

Jan. 29th, 2009



Due to personal reasons, there will not be a prompt from these two weeks. Prompts will resume on February 9.

Jan. 13th, 2009


Prompt 73 - Change

Sorry for the delay. No points were awarded for the last challenge.

Prompt 73 is CHANGE. Does Wufei change his habits after Mariemeia is gone? How does Duo react when his hairstyle change? Whatever the difference, write about it in 100 words.

Dec. 29th, 2008


Prompt 72 - Resolution

Oz has won the last challange with 10 points!

Propmpt 72 is RESOLUTION. With the coming of the new year, does Zechs resolve to protect this peace? What do Quatre and Relena have to endure to come to a resolution that will bring prosperity to the Earth and colonies? However goals are made and achieved, write about them in 100 words!

Dec. 18th, 2008


Forever Has a Name

Title: Forever Has a Name
Characters : Trowa & Quatre
Challenge: Forever
Team: Oz
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Author’s Note:

Past is past, though it haunts the mind and its memories, it remains in the past.

Present is the most precious gift to treasure because it is now.

Future is the uncertain and the ever-changing. It is best not to think on it.

Forever is in his arms, his name on my lips as he kisses his way down my neck. Forever is in his smile when he sees me walk in the door, the laugh that reminds me of hope when I think that all is lost.

Forever has a name…

“You’re quieter than usual,” Quatre murmured.

Trowa smiled.

Dec. 15th, 2008


Prompt 71 - Forever

The Gundams won the last challenge with 10 points!

Prompt 71 is FOREVER.  Those involved with the war had so much going into the past, did they ever think about things that would last other than war or peace?  Did Duo bury a time capsule at one of the safe houses?  Do the colonies continue to last forever?  Whatever the means, write about forever in 10 words.

Dec. 7th, 2008


Ice maiden

Its been a while. Nano ate my brainz...

Title: Ice maiden
Challenge: Cold
Team: Gundams
Rating: G
Word Count: 100

The first thing she did once inside her rooms, was toe off her smart pumps and place them neatly beside the door. Her suit jacket and pencil skirt - thermal lined to combat the coldness of the colony – were hung precisely in the wardrobe. She shivered as she headed for the mirror.

Her glasses were removed, and buns pulled loose, when her eyes suddenly noticed the single rose in a stem glass beside her bed. She imagined Treize ordering it placed in her room and felt a warm glow spread inside as that thought started thawing her frozen heart.

Dec. 1st, 2008


Promt 70 - Cold

No points were awarded for the last challenge.

The next prompt is COLD.

Is Duo an uncooperative sick person?  Does Relena enjoy playing outside during the winter?  Does Wufei's heart warm during the holiday season?  Whatever form it takes, write about cold in 100 words!

Nov. 18th, 2008


Prompt 69 - Test

No points were awarded last challenge.

Prompt 69 is TEST. What tests caused Heero to become the Perfect Soldier. Did Quatre get special leader training. Does OZ put its recuites through lots of exams? However the tests come, write them in 100 words!

Nov. 3rd, 2008


Prompt 68 -

The Gundams won the last challenge with 10 points!

Prompt 68 is First Person Narration!  Everyone in GW has a secret of story to tell.  What happened when people played with Duo's braid?  How do Heero and Relena act in each other's mind?  What does Trowa think about during a circus act?  Whoever tells the story, tell it in 100 words!

Note:  For the next few weeks, many of the updates will be late at night.

Oct. 28th, 2008


Purple Hair

Title: Purple Hair
Characters/Pairings: None
Rating/Type: PG (Duo cross dressing reasons)
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Series: Post Series, Gundam 00
Author's Notes: Slight cross over with Gundam 00. Thought it would be amusing since 00 is the new version of Gundam Wing.

Read more... )

Oct. 20th, 2008


Prompt #67 - Conventions

No points were awarded this past challenge.

Prompt 67 is CONVENTIONS.  Does the mad Doctors attend conventions to discuss their crazy schemes?  Does Trowa have to work at a convention with his circus?  Does Heero need to infiltrate a con to get to his target?  Whatever it may be, write about conventions in 100 words!

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