April 13th, 2008

[info]orehime in [info]gundam_100

Games children play

Challenge: Childhood
Team: Gundams
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Title: Games children play 1

Early evening, and the guys would be winding down, gathering round the fire to tell stories, sometimes boastful, sometimes honest. No-name would learn little snippets about their lives, and file them away to think about later.
He sat further from the fire, only just close enough to see what he was doing. He liked to challenge himself to clean each gun faster than the previous one - pull it apart, make it perfect, snap it back together - it made the job into a game. He’d sometimes seen other kids playing better games, but this was good enough for him.

Title: Games children play 2

Early evening, and the little blond boy almost couldn’t control his giggles, stuffing the back of his hand against his mouth. He crept forward to peer over the edge of the roof, and his eyes sparkled as he saw the grounds crawling with stressed-looking men yelling his name.
Hiding from the Maganacs was a new game he’d invented. It filled him with secret glee to watch them from this spot on the roof, as they frantically searched below.
Suddenly, “Quatre...” came Iria’s voice, making him jump, “Father’s looking for you...”
He frowned, game destroyed “But...”
“You have duties now, Quatre.”

Title: Games children play 3

The kite dipped dangerously low, before suddenly shooting straight up to try and sever his opponent’s string. The boy holding the spool of glass-encrusted string was concentrating so hard on the kites, that he forgot to keep an eye on where his feet were. He tripped, and went down splat on his face.
“Master Chang!” his servant cried, as he righted himself, horrified to see blood on the child’s hands, as he tried to hide them.
Eventually the boy gave in, and held out his slashed palms. He bit his lip, as he asked, “Please don’t tell father I lost.”

Title: Games children play 4

Early evening, and the crowds heading home from work gave the little boy begging on the subway steps a wide berth. Even his fading grin couldn’t hide the fact that he was filthy, with matted hair, and clothes that were barely holding together.
Tired of being ignored, he started playing a more profitable game. Weaving his way between passing grown-ups, his little hand sneaked its way into a pocket, an open bag, whatever was easy to reach.
Eventually he got lucky, and legged it, clutching a lady’s purse, and when he finally got a look inside it, his grin returned.

Title: Games children play 5

The target was refusing to get into a good position. He lowered the rifle again, to ease the strain on his shoulder, and did a few stretches to loosen up muscles held tense for too long, then returned to his previous position.
Eventually, despite the presence of several bodyguards, the target finally stood clear, as he prepared to duck into his limousine. One shot to the head took him out.
Back at the hotel, “Been shooting, kid?” the doorman asked indulgently, smiling.
But he bit back a gasp as those blank eyes studied his, before the kid replied, quietly, “Yes.”

January 2010




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