February 23rd, 2008

[info]kinsugi in [info]gundam_100

The Messenger/The Weapon

Title: The Messenger
Character: Heero Yuy
Team: Gundam
Word Count: 100 first try!

Messenger )

Title: The Weapon
Character: Heero Yuy
Team: Gundam
Word Count: 100
A/N: Edited to add story and lj-cuts

Weapon )

[info]kinsugi in [info]gundam_100

Explosive Situation / Creative Combat

Title: Explosive Situation
Characters: Heero and Duo
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
A/N: Follows Panic.

Uncertainty flashed briefly in Heero's eyes when Duo, bloody, sweaty, and explosive, threw him against the wall.

Heero scrambled to his feet and backpedaled, trying to analyze the situation while avoiding Duo's fists. Deathscythe's volatile pilot was filthy, wounded, and extremely pissed off. Why? Heero and Wing had already efficiently destroyed the local Oz base.

Duo kept coming with unabated fury. "It was MY mission, asshole. I almost didn't get out!"

Ah. Duplicate orders. They should work together to avoid recurrences. But first, he'd have to placate the emotionally unpredictable pilot and treat his injuries. Heero wondered how to begin.

Title: Creative Combat
Characters: Heero and Duo
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
A/N: Edited to add follow-up drabble.

Heero didn't want to hurt the wounded, furious pilot, but Duo was a street fighter. Heero could kill or disable an enemy quickly and silently; subduing Duo without further injury would be a challenge.

Automatically deflecting Duo's punches and kicks, Heero discarded several plans before attacking. He pinned Duo's arms, swept his feet out from under him and dropped to the floor, cushioning the fall with his own body.

Combat requires flexibility and creativity. Without thinking, Heero planted an unexpected kiss on the struggling pilot's mouth, and Duo suddenly relaxed on top of him.

Hmm. This strategy warranted further research.

January 2010




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