November 12th, 2007

[info]yohjideranged in [info]gundam_100

Prompt #22

Both the Gundams and Oz had their favorite weapons cleaned, primed, and ready to be used last week - they tied with 10 points each.

This week's prompt is #22 - Sense of Smell

Write a drabble using the sense of smell.  There are so many things that waft through the air and up to our nose.  Some are pleasant and can cause a flashback of memories.  Some are not so pleasant and downright foul.  Some are distinct and you know what it is right when you smell it.  Others are vague in that you know what it is but just can't quite place it.  And some really strong smells you can almost taste.

Can Duo smell lunch cooking a mile off?  Does Quatre like the smell of hot sand?  Is Wufei smelling trouble brewing?  Is Treize a wine connoisseur, smelling the wine before the taste? Will the smell of roses bring Lady Une back to herself? Is a cold inhibiting Heero's sense of smell?

No matter what the smell, sense it in just 100 words.

[info]ladyofshadow in [info]gundam_100

Eau de Zechs

Title: Eau de Zechs
Character : Zechs & Treize
Challenge: sense of smell
Team: Oz
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Author’s Note: Eau de Zechs is best applied to the warmest body areas, the pulse points on the wrists and the side of the neck, between the breasts, in the crook of the elbows, behind your knees, on your inner thighs, and around the ankles. (Okay okay, so I was looking up ‘eau de perfume’ and started giggling like a maniac after reading the italicized words)

Zechs stood in the background of the party, thoroughly annoyed to be in his best pressed uniform. It was impractical to be in an outfit this stiff, it didn’t breathe or move.

If there was any action, he wanted to be in his comfortable flight uniform.

In addition, he had heard about this party at the last minute.

“You smell like engine grease.” Treize took a delicate sip from his champagne glass.

“I came from the hangar,” Zechs said.

“It’s not an unpleasant smell,” Treize murmured. “I want it on my sheets tonight.”

“Just get me out of this uniform.”

January 2010




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