August 20th, 2007

[info]yohjideranged in [info]gundam_100

Prompt #10

Holy cow!  This became an extremely active community in the course of a week and I love you guys for it!

Who keeps the most secrets?  White Fang!  It seems that they are very secretive with 130 points.  And since secrecy is a secret weapon of the Gundams they grabbed 100 points.  OZ obviously believes that loose lips sink ships.  They keep their secrets under lock and key with 10 points.

The prompt for this week is #10 - Reflection
Mirror mirror on the wall, ah, nevermind.  This week use reflection to your best advantage - an image in a mirror, the water, window.  Reflect back on the past, on feelings, on people you know or knew. 
Give the drabble a little more reflection in just 100 words.

Mod note:  On the selection of teams. 
I know that there are some 100 communities that hold you to only one claimed team per challenge, but I am not that rigid in the play.  This is just for fun after all and the drabbles are the most important.  Feel free to change your mind on the team - however you must choose only one team per post.  This means that if you post more than one drabble in a post you are held to only the team you pick for that posting. Other than that, go wild - if you write about the gundams and you want to pick OZ, fine.  I will not hold you to OZ the next time you write a drabble, so if you wanted to write another one and pick White Fang, go crazy.  ^_~
Did that all make sense?  ^_^;;

January 2010




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