August 16th, 2007

[info]woodlandelf in [info]gundam_100

My Child's Father / My Name / I Read

Title: Book of Secrets: ...My Child's Father
Author: Arabian Princess
Characters: Leia Barton, Dekim Barton
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Note: Full title (which is a basic summary of the drabble) is at the end of each drabble and not counted toward word count
Disclaimer: Standard

Who's the father? )

Title: Book of Secrets: ...My Name
Author: Arabian Princess
Characters: Midii Une, Lady Une
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Note: Full title (which is a basic summary of the drabble) is at the end of each drabble and not counted toward word count
Disclaimer: Standard

Name? )

Title: Book of Secrets: I Read...
Author: Arabian Princess
Character: Duke Dermail
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Note: Full title (which is a basic summary of the drabble) is at the end of each drabble and not counted toward word count
Disclaimer: Standard

He read the newspaper every day )

[info]woodlandelf in [info]gundam_100

My Mother / Rumors

Title: Book of Secrets: ...My Mother
Author: Arabian Princess
Character: Quatre
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Notes: Full title (which is a basic summary of the drabble) is at the end of each drabble and not counted toward word count
Disclaimer: Standard

Mother's Day )

Title: Book of Secrets: ...Rumors
Author: Arabian Princess
Character: Relena
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Notes: Full title (which is a basic summary of the drabble) is at the end of each drabble and not counted toward word count
Disclaimer: Standard

It was wrong to gossip )

[info]woodlandelf in [info]gundam_100

A Plan

Title: A Plan
Characters: Duo, Hilde
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Disclaimer: Standard

Come on, Duo )

[info]woodlandelf in [info]gundam_100

Death of Heero Yuy

Title: Death of Heero Yuy
Character: Real Heero Yuy
Word Count: 100
Team: White Fang
Disclaimer: Standard

greatly regarded as a tragedy )

[info]ederyn in [info]gundam_100

What Spirits Comprehend

Title:  What Spirits Comprehend
Characters/Pairings:  Heero and Zechs
Team:  Gundams
Rating:  G
Word Count:  100
Prompt:  #9, secret
Author's Notes:  Takes place a few months after the explosion of Epyon
Read more )

January 2010




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