August 14th, 2007

[info]cozzybob in [info]gundam_100

Howard's First

Title: Howard's First
Characters/Pairings: past one-way Howard/J
Team: Gundams
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 140-something
Prompt: #9, secret
Author's Notes: I've tried, and tried, and tried, and tried, but I can't get it any lower. Doh! Stupid babbling Howard. *smacks him* Also, I'm being a traitor this week. Go Gundams! *writes a thousand real drabbles to win* xD You guys are SO addicting. Doh! Oh yeah, and I forgot to say this is dedicated to [info]ralphiere, and is inspired (sort of) by an old Pond pic of young!J and Howard, from way back, which I can't link to since her site is down. Waaah!

Tossed into a bucket of greasy wrenches, hammers, bolts and screws, was the torn and discolored picture of a beautiful twenty-eight year old J, his arm slung around Howard as if it had no other place to be. Howard, staring, smeared dark grease into his jeans and squinted with ancient eyes at that deeply tragic beauty. Ass-loving raven-black hair, the smoothest, most translucent skin, a smile that could disarm a Taurus suit, and dark eyes that reflected an abyss of unearthly wisdom. And oh, those luscious, cherry lips... Howard's first and most vicious crush, really, but J had always been so much older. He saw his younger self, barely a teenager, drooling at the other man in desperate hero-worship. With a bitter snort, he crammed it back into his pocket and pulled out the wrench he'd been looking for. When he got back into the house, he ripped the picture into tiny little pieces, and threw it away.

[info]ederyn in [info]gundam_100


Title:  Undercover
Characters/Pairings:  Treize and Trowa
Team:  Gundams
Rating:  um...
Word Count:  100
Prompt:  #9, secret
Author's Notes:  Actually I had a very happy childhood. I'm not sure exactly why I love to torture perfectly good g-boys so.   Doh!
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January 2010




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