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Aug. 24th, 2013


WHO: Lee Jordan, and the Villagers
WHERE: Moddy's & The Vault
WHEN: Saturday Morning
WHAT: At 10 am on Saturday morning, two wireless radios came to life. The sounds that came from the speakers was like any radio when it's about to lose the station you're listening to. Instead of resting after what went down yesterday, Lee let himself into the wireless station and started tinkering. He used a bit of that magic they used for Potterwatch to, essentially, hack into the system. Being emotionally and physically drained, Lee could only focus his energies on two machines and the control panel. He's doing this broadcast not knowing if anyone can hear him, but he needs it. He sounds tired. His voice is thick with tears. He speaks. )

Aug. 18th, 2013


Albus & Lee

WHO: Albus Severus & Uncle Lee
WHAT: Lee obviously got the short straw.
WHERE: Community Centre
WHEN: Monster Plot Day Four (late at night?)
RATING: PG (maybe triggery for people who lost loved ones)

Good bye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart is the memory and there you will always be. )

Jul. 14th, 2013


Who: Katie Bell and Lee Jordan
What: Katie has arrived, and Lee finds her.
Where: randomly in the town.
When: VERY late at night

move along, move along, just to make it through. )

Jun. 22nd, 2013


Who: The Village
What: Percy Weasley's singing debut!
When: Saturday, June 22 - evening
Where: The Cafe and Lounge
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete, OPEN

 photo tumblr_lm4puagY5R1qd5hjz.gif

Tonight, at the Cafe & Lounge, Percy will be performing for the first time. There was a poster announcing this in the Cafe, if your character missed Percy's and Astoria's announcements.

The performance has two sets, one at 8:00 pm and a second at 10:00 pm... both lasting approximately an hour each. There is no cover charge. The music Percy performs is a mix of Wizarding and Muggle songs. You'll find his playlist under the cut.... )

Jun. 3rd, 2013


Pretend this was sent on-time because I'm useless

Left for Lee at his house

Chocolate frosted cupcakes that spell out "Happy Birthday Lee" in red and gold lettering. Also a giant stuffed Lion.

Card reads "Happy Birthday to my favorite fake-big-brother. Love, Ginny

Jun. 2nd, 2013


Happy Birthday, Lee!

REMUS shows up at Lee's house very early in the morning. He brings some of Lee's favourite foods, including porridge. Lee receives a HUGE hug along with a fancy blank journal for his stories, fancy quills AND muggle pens, some books, a sweets basket, and this lion figurine.

AL visited Lee during the day so that he could give a big hug. He drew Lee a picture of a sunny day along with one of him and the twins (drawn from a photograph that Al saw).

MIKE sent Lee a card with a gift certificate to the bookshop along with plenty of alcohol. He insists he is invited to any sort of after hours parties p.s.

SALLY insists Lee come over for a proper birthday dinner during the week, but she also shows up for a hug TODAY. She leaves him with cupcakes, candles, and a microphone keychain.

ERNIE sends Lee a practical leather wallet and a basket of sweets.

DRACO sends Lee a basket of wine and sweets. He also sends a dirty magazine charmed to sparkle, a reference to one of their very early chats involving strippers.

May. 10th, 2013


Who: Whoever is coming
What: Alice-Themed Tea Party
When: Early Afternoon
Where: Outside
Rating: Low??
Other notes: Just comment and say whether your character was there and what they were wearing if they had a costume. Lalala. Idk. Have fun. You can actually thread things or just OOC things. Idc. Do whatever you want. Have fun!

Tea Party! )

May. 5th, 2013


WHEN: Sunday Afternoon
WHERE: Every wireless in town that's turned on.
WHAT: Hi, this is Lee Jordan, and I'm a right prat. I'm also sentimental, sappy, and sensitive. And a fan of alliteration.

For the last few days, we've all been focused on death and loss. Hell, it isn't just the last few days. In a town like this, with people from different points in time, it comes up regularly. In my other timeline, I'm better. I've returned to my friends, and we're moving forward. We're not moving on. That implies forgetting, and we'll never forget. But forward. Our lives continue. There are holes in them, yes, but we get by. We fill the days with as much love and laughter because we--I know that's the best memorial for the fallen.

But here? The losses are still felt, but they aren't as strong. When it's possible to talk to and hug the ones we're missing, we don't miss them. But there are the old feelings. The feelings that are difficult to ignore or turn off. April and May freaking suck. They have for 15 years, but I'm a right prat for letting that affect how I saw George's suggestion. See, my brother wants to do something for the people of this place. He wants something to get them excited, and all I saw was 'before you die'. I'm probably flogging a dead horse (terrible idiom. Who coined it?) but I am sorry, and I have a list.

It's a very short list. Very short indeed. At this point in time, since other things are going pretty well, the only thing on my bucket list if for George Weasley to call me pretty. That's it. That's all I want.

Well, and for him to forgive me. Which he has to do now that I've made this very public.

This is for my brothers. *fades in*

Apr. 21st, 2013


Teddy's Surprise Party

WHO: Anyone who cares about Teddy.
WHERE: Outside the community centre.
WHAT: A huge barbecue, Teddy's favourite music, and games. It is laid-back like Teddy, but still pretty big because it is the first birthday party Daddy gets to throw him. <3

cut for image )

Apr. 1st, 2013


Who: Friends and family of Fred and George! (No Death Eaters, sorry, with the exception of Draco)
Where: The community centre
When: Monday evening
Status: IC/OOC / Open

Happy Birthday to yooou )

Mar. 13th, 2013



WHO: Sally Bones, Emmeline Vance, and YOU!
WHAT: Sally & Emmy want to help everyone relax so they have set up shop in the middle of the cottages. Sally has her candles and Emmy has her masseuse skills!
WHERE: I said this already.
NOTE: IC/OOC reactions! Also, if you reply, can you please try to tag the post for activity checks? Thanks!

Spa day! )

Feb. 24th, 2013


WHEN: Sunday Afternoon
WHERE: Every wireless in town that's turned on.
WHAT: That Quidditch match yesterday was something else. Don't be too hard on the beaters. Like I told J.S., bludgers sometimes have a mind of their own. Seriously. Every match I commentated that featured Harry Potter at school, something crazy happened. Swallowed snitches, rogue bludgers, Dementors. So, not every one, but there wasn't a dull moment when Gryffindor was playing. Especially if we were against Slytherin. Those were good times. Lads and Lasses, listen to the healer lady. She's pregnant, stubborn, and knows what she's talking about. If I learned anything from Mama Weasley, it's that you don't mess with fiery, red headed women. They always get their way. Always.

It seems the village has quieted down a bit in the last week. I hope everyone is in better moods. This place is small. Emotions are going to run hot and cold often, but we're in this together, yeah? Mistakes will be made. Hopefully not to the scale of last week, but justice has been served, and I hear the resident Duke and Judge is working on writing up some laws. I'll keep you posted, maybe have him on the show to discuss this. We'll see.

Speaking of the jailbirds, this one goes out to them. *fades in*

Feb. 16th, 2013


Radio Show

WHEN: Saturday Evening
WHERE: Every wireless in town that's turned on.
WHAT: *this plays for 20 seconds before...* Sorry, folks. Too soon? As one hit by the love juice--pardon--cake, I need to know: are we taking a don't ask, don't tell stance on this, or are we letting it all hang out? I for one am not ashamed of what transpired, but I know there will be hurt feelings and serious confusion.

To my unplanned Valentine-who will remain nameless for the protection of himself and others involved-you give good cuddle.

Okay. Not what really happened, but, c'mon. That's funny right there. Look. The potion, whatever else it did, it reacted differently for everyone. My funny Valentine and I? We talked. We figured shit out in a way that wasn't working with others because the potion made us be open and honest. Now, I'm not saying that some of you guys and dolls want to run off into the sunset with someone of your gender, but if that's how you reacted to the potion, don't freak. It means you've got the capacity to love one and all. Love, man. Love is a beautiful thing, no matter what form it comes in. Those who had a cupcake fell victim to the potion, but you connected with someone on a deeper level. Your head was taken out of the equation. You forgot prejudices and bloodlines. You ignored societal standards and "norms". You gave without holding back, on different levels. It's natural to be embarrassed when someone's seen you at your most vulnerable, but find the strength in that. Realize that, potion or not, you have it in you to put yourself at someone's mercy and trust that they will catch you when you leap.

What I'm taking from this is I've gotta stop hiding. I can't run anymore. I can't blame myself for whatever I think I did wrong. Some of you don't know what I'm talking about, but some do. I'm sorry I disappeared. I'm sorry I failed you as a friend. But, guys, I'm back. A little darker than I was, but this love potion--it reminded me how to laugh.

Before I get back to the music: Don't kill Roxy and Albus. Roxy and Albus? Don't do it again. Everyone who partook? Find a personal lesson in this. A bit of soul searching will do wonders.

Now. Don't forget to headbang. *fades in*

Feb. 14th, 2013


Delivered to Lee Jordan )

Feb. 10th, 2013


For Lee Jordan

[sent to Lee after his broadcast]


I loved listening to you. It was a brilliant broadcast and I can't wait for more. I hope you are well.


[biscuits enclosed]


Radio Show

WHO: Lee Jordan and Listeners
WHEN: Sunday Afternoon
WHERE: Every wireless in town that's turned on.
WHAT: This is Riv--erm Lee Jordan coming to you from the heart of our fair village--nearly--bringing you music on this snowy Sunday afternoon. The sun is shining. The air is crisp. The untouched snow by the castle is begging to be used for a snowball fight to end all snowball fights. Tried to start one this morning, but, ninja that I am, I was too fast for my target to reciprocate. You hear that, Romulus? It was me! mwahahahahahahaha! What are you gonna do about it, old man?

On a more serious note, tempers seem to be flaring again. People, people, people. Anger leads to the dark side. Stay away from the dark side. Mama Weasley's biscuits are better than the dark side's. So are Hannah's. Not that she lets me have any. Look. Just because I call you kid doesn't mean I think you are one. You're just younger than me. It's not an insult...Seriously, Hannah. Can I have one of those tarts? The ones with the fruit? Please? So hungry. Have mercy on me.

*several moments of silence* Worth a shot.

Valentine's Day is coming up. As a friendly reminder, get your song requests to Lorcan soon. Let the ones you love know you love 'em. Here's one to get you thinking.

Jan. 5th, 2013


Sally loses something else she loves. Poor thing.

WHO: Anyone who would like to post.
WHAT: Sally accidentally burns down her candle shop.
WHEN: Late Saturday evening.
NOTE: Same as other group threads. Feel free to talk to Sally or just post a reaction if you like.

She's just a girl and she's on fire... )

Jan. 2nd, 2013


Who: Lee & Alicia
What: Alicia wants to hit her friend over the head?
Where: House #37
When: Backdated to Tuesday night.
Rating/Status: TBD/TBD

Finally! )

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