August 2015




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Aug. 5th, 2014


left on Ernie's doorstep in a gift bag )



Who: Anyone who wanted to come, really
What: A birthday party :)!
Where: Amelia and Gideon's place
When: Monday, early evening.
Rating: PG

Happy Birthday, Susie Q )

Aug. 3rd, 2014



DRACO would have stopped by to see his aunt. He gave her this pretty pearl bracelet with "Aunt Andromeda" etched on adjoining beads. He also gave her a spa weekend for two at the Inn. Auntie gets a hug and kiss!

ERNIE stopped by. He gave Andromeda a gift certificate for two to the Beau Managerie and several books.

ALBUS also visited! Andromeda got a hug and a sketch of something she'd like in a pretty hand-made frame.

REMUS also stopped by. Noticing a pattern? He gave his mother-in-law a wine/cheese/chocolate basket and a gift certificate to the beauty salon.

SALLY sent candles, cupcakes, and these earrings.


Sent on the 1st to Ernie Macmillan - Alicia would have borrowed one of Bee's delivery bugs if Bee was game )

Sent to Miles Bletchley - he does not get a delivery bug )

Aug. 2nd, 2014


Package Sent to Ernie on His Birthday [Backdated to 1 August]


Ernie & Marlene

WHO: Ernie MacMillan & Marlene McKinnon
WHAT: Kitty rescue!
WHERE: Outside the cottages.
WHEN: Saturday morning.

Ernie missed his early morning jogs while he was trapped inside the cottages the prior week. He cleared his head during those wee hours. Sometimes he ran with Fleur, but she respected the quiet of nature and thinking time as much as he did so he never felt disturbed while running with her. However, he decided to take some time for himself and his two dogs that particular Saturday. He was still feeling disappointed in himself and his birthday didn't help matters. He didn't want to bring anyone else down with his poor mood. It was no one's fault that the magic seemed to want him in the village for some odd reason. It was no one's fault he didn't have a million family and friends in the village. It was no one's fault the twins left him partly in charge on their disappearance. It was mind over matter and he was determined to shake the melancholy. There was work to be done, after all.

He spent extra time on the trails. It felt good to him and the pups after so much time spent indoors. However, eventually, Ernie knew he needed to bring them back for food and water. The sun was getting too hot for all three anyway. He was nearly to his cottage when he heard a voice. He recognized the voice immediately. She did accuse him of being a Death Eater once so it was hard to forget even though he only spoke to her in the flesh that one time. "Ms. McKinnon?" He called. "Are you quite alright?" He didn't draw his wand so he really hoped she recognized him. "This is Ernie MacMillan," he added just in case.


Jul. 31st, 2014


Happy Birthday Ernie

Cressida waddled into Ernie's office around mid-morning with scones, tea, and a package that has a badger doll, a motivational poster, and this pen, cuff link, and watch set.

Neville hasn't had a chance to shop, but he sent Ernie a note saying that the two of them should get together soon, and Neville will treat him to lunch.

Edwyn sends Ernie a hand carved box. The lid doesn't have any visible hinges, and when it's closed, it's completely seamless. It only opens when Ernie touches it, and it's charmed to hold more than it's small size makes it seem. The note tucked inside the lid reads, "For your prized possessions."


Happy Birthday, Harry.

ALBUS gives his present at the dinner Ginny mentioned (if that is still a thing with Barty showing). He gives his dad a hug and a huge collage of photographs of him, James, and Lilu growing up (courtesy the Genealogist Office). The collage is decorated with hand-made drawings of Harry's favorite things. It is pretty.

REMUS sends a card, a sweets basket, some Quidditch related merchandise, and a video game system with a note that some of the kids introuduced him to it and he thought it might appeal to Harry's inner Gryffindor. Also, an invitation to dinner at Harry's convenience.

ERNIE sends a card and a nice, practical leather wallet.

MIKE sends a card and an invitation to eat free for a week at Mike's Corner.

MAC sends a card and some outfits because she likes dressing people.

ARTHUR sends a small robot toy he found in Smuggled. He thinks it is the greatest gift. He invites him to do something with him and Molly at some point.

DRACO sends a card and a bottle of sparkling cider (I am pretty sure there was a public conversation about Harry not drinking much on a post where Draco commented to Ron about being sorry he sent Ron alcohol for HIS birthday after reading neither were too into it at the moment...if I made that up, it is alcohol because Draco sends a bottle of wine to people he wants to acknowledge, but doesn't feel too familiar with).

SALLY (because of her connection to Lily/James) sends several candles, cupcakes, and a card.

Jul. 30th, 2014


Happy Birthday, Neville.

ALBUS sends a hand-drawn picture of some of Neville's favorite plants enclosed in a nice (and hand-made) frame etched with gold lions.

ERNIE: sends a card along with a set of herbs/tools needed for planting.

MIKE: sends a card and mentions Neville eats free for a week.

REMUS: sends several books, a sweets basket, and invitation to lunch at Neville's convenience.

Jul. 22nd, 2014



HOPE POTTER will receive the following gifts when everyone is free!

REMUS: Push car, play picnic set, and a stuffed lion.

SALLY: several cute dresses/skirts and this circle play center.

MAC: this outfit and this doll.

ALBUS: baby art center.

DRACO: doll house with doll.

ARTHUR: This made him sort of sad because he misses baby Bill, but he got Hope this from Smuggled (and has no clue what it is from).

ERNIE: this toy clock.


WHO: Alicia Spinnet, open to any Cabin Seven dwellers.
WHAT: This is elsewhere in Kansas, Toto.
WHERE: Cabin 7
WHEN: Tuesday morning, around 7ish.
RATING: With this lot, I imagine nothing too scandalous.
OOC: I can't access IJ at work so I may take a while to respond :*

Who's been sleeping in my bed? )

Jul. 20th, 2014


WHO: Ernie and Marlene (open to healers!)
WHERE: around the houses
WHEN: July 20th, 11:30pm
WHAT: Marlene just showed up, and she's bloody and angry.

Jul. 17th, 2014


Happy Birthday, Molly II!

ALBUS gives his present in person. He would have asked her to go somewhere to eat (his treat) and given her several things that he knows she likes (including pop music and books) along with a sketch of Percy, Audrey, and Lucy. Blue pie was definitely a thing.

ARTHUR would have wanted to see her too and would have requested help picking out her gifts, but she definitely wound up with some useless Smuggled items (that he thinks are awesome) too.

REMUS sent a sweets basket and several logic puzzles.

DRACO sent flowers and several cookbooks since she enjoys cooking.

ERNIE sent a sweets basket and a gift certificate to the book shop.

Jul. 13th, 2014


[Delivered to the doorstep of Cabin 40-Ernie MacMillan] )

Jun. 28th, 2014


Gideon's Bachelor Party!

WHO: Gideon's male friends & family
WHAT: Celebrating his upcoming nuptials.
WHERE: All Night Long
WHEN: Saturday night

Keep Calm and Kiss the Groom! )

Jun. 19th, 2014


Who: Ernie and older!Analisa
What: Analisa is getting her hopes up.
Where: TBD - maybe the shoppe or one of their houses
When: Friday 20 June
Rating: Low
Status: Locked // in progress

If there was one thing Analisa had learned when she had arrived here, it was to keep the journal she had been supplied with close by, and to check it often. (Well, the other thing she had learned was that there was crazy magic here and it tended to have its way with the villagers.) She definitely recognised her hand in the book, though she did not recall the life experiences to go with it. (Especially dating Cedric Diggory - maybe this was a village for second chances.)

She was sitting in the shoppe her younger counterpart had established (re-established, from the looks of it) and flipping through her book when she saw a hand she recognised -- Ernie. He wasn't a child anymore, thank goodness. She wrote him back quickly, asking if they could see each other, and that she would meet him soon. He could be any age, she supposed, but she needed to see him. It was hard being away from him and Camden.

Jun. 18th, 2014


AGE THREAD - Ernie & Justin

WHO: Ernie MacMillan & Justin F-F
WHAT: Getting to know each other!
WHERE: Their cottage.
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon

Only a few days ago, Ernie's parents promised they'd bring him home if he hated Hogwarts. Unfortunately, neither Jean nor Ernest could rescue their little boy from a magical village suspended in time. Poor Ernie was trying not to be a nuisance for those taking care of him, but he missed his family. He could at least write from Hogwarts! Still, he was putting on a brave face to please not only the adults, but for Justin too. Justin was younger, after all. He was also muggle-born, which meant he didn't know much about magic so Ernie was determined to be useful for the little boy, even if Ernie didn't really know how to control his magic yet.

"This is my wand" he told Justin, "At home, we are not supposed to do magic outside Hogwarts, but I am not sure we'll ever get back so..." He shrugged. "Maybe we can teach ourselves." He was attending classes in the village, but those were nearly over. He flicked it. "Let's get a book of spells," he suggested. "I think I saw some laying around upstairs."

Jun. 10th, 2014


AGE THREAD - Zacharias & Ernie

WHO: Ernie MacMillan & Zacharias Smith
WHAT: Ernie needs a familiar face...even if it isn't that familiar.
WHERE: Ernie's place.
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon (way after any journal conversations)

Little Ernie was quite confused, which he didn't like one bit. He was usually better at piecing things together. He was smart. His parents and his tutor said so. His sisters called him a pest, but they didn't count.

He was supposed to go to Hogwarts. He last remembered his father promising that he could stay home after Christmas if he hated Hogwarts, but now he was somewhere else entirely and could not get home at all! He had been afraid of leaving his family and getting split up from his mates (they all wanted Slytherin), but at least he could write his parents from school!

Liam and Rabastan were nice, but they weren't his parents and he wanted to go home so he curled up in his room and refused to leave. His dad would find him. Ernie didn't even care if he'd get punished for wandering.

Jun. 8th, 2014


Placeholder for Liam's Birthday Presents.

Holding Places.

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