August 2015



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May 26th, 2014

[info]clawedturpin in [info]fourteenshades

WHO: Lisa Turpin & Rodolphus Lestrange
WHAT: Trying out her wand
WHERE: On the dock
WHEN: Monday afternoon

That afternoon she went to the docks, hoping to avoid people for a change )

[info]callofthemoon in [info]fourteenshades

Remus & Lily

WHO: Remus Lupin & Lily Potter I
WHAT: Chatting/playing with Hope
WHERE: A swing-set at the park.
WHEN: Early Monday evening so there is daylight!

Remus loved spending time with his goddaughter. He may have been biased, but he thought Hope was just the happiest and most adorable little girl in the world. Seeing her smile melted his heart. He saw both James and Lily in that little face, but her personality was all her own. He didn't want to miss a minute of her growing up like he had with Harry and Teddy. He knew the village was transient, but he clung to the stubborn belief that he'd remain firmly planted in it, just as Lily, James, and all the rest would. They had been there so long. That had to count for something, didn't it? Yet, what if he was foolish? What if his initial worries were right? Maybe the universe was telling him that he shouldn't be so selfish as to bring another baby into the world? Maybe that was why he and Tonks were having such a hard time conceiving?

He pushed Hope on the baby swing, grinning when he heard her squeal. Maybe he should feel content with what he had? He did have so much here. "Thanks for bringing her, Lily." He looked back at his friend with a smile. Sure, he was close to James, but he and Lily were friends outside of that. Even when he experienced trouble with James in the past, Lily had been there for Remus too.

[info]thelestrange in [info]fourteenshades

Who: Rabastan and Narcissa
What: Last night out at Disney
Where: Starting at the rooms, then on from there
When: Monday evening, May 26th
Rating: PG/PG13?

Taking the lady out on the town )

[info]sallysays in [info]fourteenshades

Who: Sally Ann Perks and Terry Berry Boot
Where: His room.
What: Checking in
When: Monday evening, May 26th
Rating: PG13 bc Sally has a mouth

She knew how crazy this entire place seemed )