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April 25th, 2014

[info]madmalfoy in [info]fourteenshades

Draco | Scorpie

WHO: Draco & Scorpius Malfoy
WHAT: Father/Son bonding time!
WHERE: The Manor
WHEN: Friday evening

Draco had a a lot to digest in only three days, but he was no stranger to studying hard. Still, there was a reason Hermione Granger beat him in every subject. Draco was smart, but things did not always come naturally to him. He needed extra time to practice. However, his notes weren't about spells and potions ingredients. They were about people and lessons. Draco knew why his "other self" took such painstaking efforts to preserve the history and he was glad for it, but Draco was still the nineteen year old hermit he was when he started that assignment for Healer Anderson. He wanted to be a good father, son, friend, cousin, so on and so forth, but he wasn't sure how because he still couldn't believe his life worked out so well in the first place. It felt like a pass he didn't earn. Someone else won these people's respect, even if that someone else was -technically- still Draco.

He already saw several friends and family members, but his son apparently was also adjusting to the village so Draco hadn't seen him yet. They were about to change that so Draco was terrified. Apparently he was a decent dad, but how? It wasn't like Lucius set a prime example.

By the time he let Scorpius into the house, Draco's nerves bested him. He felt sick. Even so, he turned to Scorpius with a smile. Scorpius was older than Draco, but, somehow, Draco felt a surge of love and protection, just like he felt when Cress visited that first day. He was Draco's son. "I am so glad you are here."

[info]ftshadesmods in [info]fourteenshades

Grand Opening

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