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February 10th, 2014

[info]marredflower in [info]fourteenshades

WHO: Lavender Brown & Dean Thomas
WHAT: Lavender going to find Dean shortly after his arrival!
WHEN: Monday, February 10
WHERE: Town Square
RATING: Low, I'd imagine
STATUS: Closed/Incomplete

Lavender couldn't remember the last time she'd been this excited about a new arrival in the village. )

[info]swordofgryffin in [info]fourteenshades

kids like me should be against the law

Who: Harry & Open (to Remus or whoever)
Where: The Gym
What: Harry needs an hour or two to get out some issues
When: After this

Mum says I'm a good case for population control )

[info]cutacorner in [info]fourteenshades

Sent to Edwyn & Rowena

Under here... )

[info]_starlight in [info]fourteenshades

Letter Sent to Mr.Draco  )

[info]calmingtide in [info]fourteenshades

Who: Megan Jones and Fabian Prewett.
What: Megan is curious
Where: The Gym
When: Monday evening.

But Megan was curious. )

[info]halfsmirk in [info]fourteenshades

Who: James Potter and Petunia Dursley.
What: James takes Petunia to Lily.
Where: The park, then the Potter cabin.
When: Sunday evening.

'You didn't age well' )

[info]purlwise in [info]fourteenshades

WHO; Vicky and Colin
WHAT; Colin's coming to find her!
WHEN; backdated to Sunday night
WHERE; by the cliffs
RATING; middle for death talk?

wut wut )

[info]cutacorner in [info]fourteenshades

Mike & Rolf

WHO: Mike Corner & Rolf Scamander
WHAT: Mike is coming clean about some things.
WHERE: His office at Mike's Corner.
WHEN: Monday afternoon

Mike rarely felt guilty, but now he had two "biggies" weighing on him. The first? Sleeping with Sally-Ann. The second? Disrespecting the Ravenclaws. He cared about those three people and felt like he royally screwed up. Yet, he still wanted to ask Bee to the dance. It was selfish. He hurt Summer. He hurt Sally-Ann. He made a mess of things with Mr. Ed and Mrs. R. Why was it so hard to keep a lid on things lately? Was it the nature of the place? Did it mess with a man's mind? Or was he really just that selfish? Of course, Bee told him not to let her hurt him, but he wasn't sure how that was possible.

He needed to talk to Rolf. Even if Nate had been around, he'd still choose Rolf for this one. "This is going to be a shit thing for me to ask, but promise me this stays between us?" He invited his mate for lunch, but they were in Mike's office rather than in the general food court area. This was obviously serious business.