May 14th, 2010

[info]rowanonthwing in [info]downfallrpg

Monster Surge

Who: Rowan and Liah
Where: The mall, then escaping from the mall!
When: Early afternoon

It'd taken a while to get to the mall, what with stopping at every not-ransacked-looking house to see what they could find, and load up the backpacks slung onto the motorcycle with whatever useful shit they could find. They only had one brief scare with a monster en route, lunging out of a house they had been about to enter, but Rowan killed it with a well-placed shot between the eyes. His aim was improving, he thought, or maybe just his eyesight. Did that come with the territory of turning into half a bird? He couldn't even guess, but as long as it helped him get by, he didn't care, either.

The mall finally came in sight, and none too soon. Rowan was getting tired of the piecemeal flights. On their way back, they could just go straight, without bothering to stop anywhere. All the taking off and landing was straining his back-- he was pretty sure he hadn't broken anything open again, but it hurt like hell anyway-- and on the way back he could just glide when possible, and fly straight the rest of the time.

Once Liah could see the mall, too, he swooped down and glided only a few yards over her head, so he could land once she got there, herself.

Incoming! )

[info]hunterperegrine in [info]downfallrpg

Escape Attempt

Who: Tayne, Erin, Keith, Verity and Jasmine
Where: North of the hotel; Oakwood Mall
When: Early morning

After the group of hostages were searched and rendered weaponless, they were escorted to a bedding store in the back of the mall on the top floor. There was never a moment where they were alone, or where they felt their powers returned to them. The group seemed almost too confident, too sure of themselves. There was another figure that stayed nearby, but out of sight enough that his face was never fully visible. As soon as the metal gates were pulled into place and locked, the group left, no second thoughts given to their hostages. For now, they had other business to tend to, and the hostages were last on their list of priorities.

Plans foiled. )

[info]pkaltered in [info]downfallrpg

Bourbon and Violin Music

Who: Josh and Juan
Where: the bar/lounge area
When: midday

The middle of the day had arrived, and Josh still felt like miserable crap. He'd taken three frigidly cold showers to try to bring down his temperature, he'd drank a ton of cold water, and he still felt like he was probably running about a hundred and three degrees. He knew why he was sick-- because of what he'd done in the basement the previous day, which had been a very good thing for everyone-- but that didn't make the consequences any easier to bear. He'd finally decided that lying around on his floor next to the window wasn't going to make him feel any better, either, so he got up and dragged himself down the stairs to the lounge.

It was deeply shadowed but still possible to see with the light that came into the windows, and Josh went behind the bar to see what he could find. He'd never been much of a drinker, hadn't ever been able to afford to be a drinker, but if he had to be wretchedly sick, maybe he could find something that would knock him unconscious. It was worth a try. Pale, hollow-eyed and sweating heavily, he leaned against the back part of the bar as he checked out the various bottles on the mirrored shelf behind it.

he hoped he wasn't evil like Pyro, but control over fire was pretty cool anyway )

August 2010



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