April 2nd, 2010

[info]shatteredbones in [info]downfallrpg

Who: Alex, Reiko, Neil, KJ
Where: Somewhere in Detroit, not incredibly far from the hotel
When: Day 10, mid-morning

Alex creeped through the cars in the middle of the street, keeping his eyes and ears open for monsters. They were all over the place this morning and he silently cursed the weather for making this day a dark one. He shouldn't even be out and about today, he should be somewhere safe to wait it out but who knows what tomorrow would be like? He had to get out of the city, or at least try and find other survivors. There just had to be some, right?

He hid behind a truck as he came to the intersection and looked around for any monsters before he crouched next to one of the tires to grab a bottle of water from his bag. Just as he put the bottle to his lips something large slammed into the roof of the truck, caving it in and shattered the windows. Alex instinctively rolled away from the truck, still in a crouching position and looked up at the intruder. It was, of course, a monster and one that still looked partially human if it weren't for his overly large arms and upper torso.

Alex froze, his heart rate and breathing increasing significantly. He wasn't sure he could even move, that was until the thing roared at him. He sprang to his feet and sprinted down the street just as the monster lunged for him. "Don't look, don't look, don't look..." Alex repeated over and over again to himself, he had seen enough horror movies to know that looking back at your would be assailant slowed you down enough for it to grab you so he kept running and tried to formulate a plan that would let him grab his gun to shoot the thing. Unfortunately, however, the monster ran fast and he didn't know how long he would be able to keep up his present pace and he seemed to have lost his ability to think fast for the time being. It was quite possible that he was going to die.

[info]hunterperegrine in [info]downfallrpg

Sharing Stories in the Bar

Who: Tayne and Dhaval
Where: Dhaval's room, then the bar, then the room again
When: Late afternoon, early evening

The very last steak of the day, Tayne paid extra attention to. He used every trick he'd learned about cooking them over the course of the afternoon, to make it taste its best, and then he gave the last couple dishes a scrub, put the last few loaves of bread in the fridge and the cupboard respectively, and turned everything off. The eggs had been taken care of, turned once that morning and once that afternoon, taking a break from cooking to get the battery out of a random Toyota in the parking lot, the truck engine had been revved and the space heater charged.

All that was left was his evening of food and drinks with Dhaval.

What a... thing. )

August 2010



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