Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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Posts Tagged: 'regulus+black'

Jul. 9th, 2021



[No Subject]

By the trees, why is there a dead body in Room 312?

Jul. 8th, 2021



Filtered to anyone 20 and under

Hey guys,

So we have 4 students, one maybe, and I was hoping to get more of you to chime in. I made a list, so if I missed someone let me know. Also if you didn't answer, I'd appreciate to know what I can do to convince you.

Abra Stone
Sabrina Spellman
Adrien Agreste
Marinette Dupain-Cheng

Tandy Bowen

No answer
Daphne Childs - Yes
Usagi Tsukino - Yes
Hope Mikaelson
Malia Tate
Regulus Black - No

Jul. 6th, 2021



[No Subject]

Now that things are getting back to normal around here, I've decided to see if I can figure out new and exciting ways to use my magical powers. I wish I had some of the books from the Unseen Academy's library, since I had barely made a dent in their collections.

I didn't realize the date until a little while ago, but when I did, I felt that old familiar urge to better myself. I was once told that I had the potential to be the most powerful witch of my generation, and I'd like to prove Father Blackwood right by becoming a force to be reckoned with. That way, if I ever see his smug face again, I can make him regret ever putting my family through Hell. No offense, dad.



[No Subject]

Who: Regulus and Sirius
Where: Sirius' room
When: morning, 6th July
What: They try talking after years of avoiding each other
Status: Closed/Complete
Warnings: None

The Black Brothers Meet )

Jul. 4th, 2021



[No Subject]

My clothes are back!

That is all.

Jul. 3rd, 2021



[No Subject]


This could possibly be the worst day of my life right now?

And where are my clothes? I can't be this way... Terminators-

Jul. 2nd, 2021



[No Subject]

I'm back. For those who don't know me, I'm Regulus Black. I was here before. I went home and stayed there for a few hours, but apparently it's been much longer here.

It sounds like a lot of people who were here before aren't and a lot of new people are. Also, why is everyone naked? Where are the clothes? I got to my room - SHARED WITH A WOMAN. THIS HOTEL HAS NO MANNERS - and I didn't find any clothes. I might have to starve until this is over.

[ Levi and Erwin ]

Are you both here? Jamie said Levi was, but wasn't sure about Erwin. What's happened since I've been away?

[ Sabrina ]

I Are you I hope you are all right.

Jun. 10th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Regulus and Severus
Where: Library
When: Today
What: Finally running into each other
Status: In progress
Warnings: Probably low

Are you friend or foe )

Jun. 3rd, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Regulus and Wesley
What: Accidental run in
When: Late at night, Thursday into Friday
Where: The Kitchens
Rating/Warnings: Probably low
Status: In progress

Tea and sandwiches )

Jun. 2nd, 2021



Magic Talk

Who: Anyone who expressed interest in this post, or anyone who heard about it, or anyone who just wanders past and wants to stop by. OTA really. Add your tags.
Where: The outdoor patio
When: Thursday June 3rd, mid-late afternoonish
What: Magic (the gathering)
Status: Open, On-going
Warnings: None, but add to your subject heading if that changes.

Subject Goes Here )

Jun. 1st, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Strange & Regulus.
Where: The library.
When: 4/1, afternoon.
What: Cookie delivery.
Status: Completed.
Warnings: Mentions of injuries.

If Regulus turned down the offer of sweets, they certainly wouldn't go to waste. )

May. 25th, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Regulus Black and OPEN to multiple
What: Regulus is hungry, but doesn’t know how to make anything
When: Very late at night 25th/26th
Where: The kitchen
Rating/Warnings: Maybe swearing, will update if necessary

The kitchen looked like a bomb had gone off inside of it.  )

May. 23rd, 2021



[No Subject]

Who: Regulus Black and OPEN (to the first responder)
Where: The lobby
When: Now
What: Arriving, in a great state of disarray
Status: In progress
Warnings: Severe injuries, blood, probably swearing

I'm really gonna try this time, Gonna give you my heart in spite of my soul )

Mar. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

Just to be absolutely certain I'm clear on the details of our situation:

  • We've been somehow transport to a world that is not our own.
  • We can't go back to our own worlds.
  • We can't contact anyone we know from our own worlds.
  • We can't leave this hotel unless mysterious circumstances allow us to.
  • People vanish without warning or trace somewhat regularly.
  • Some of us were dead previous to our arrival here.
  • But we've no reason to believe the rest of us are dead.
  • Many of the residents here are unmatched for their magical talent or technical minds in their own worlds.
  • Yet you've all accomplished approximately nothing to rectify the situation.
  • Instead, you've been drinking yourselves under the table and pinching each other for sport.
  • I'm certainly doomed to fail as well, and therefore I might as well take up one of these hobbies for myself.

    Did I miss anything? Or does that about sum it up?
  • Mar. 16th, 2021



    [No Subject]

    Where the fuck are we now? Is it so normal for an entire building to move around no one even talks about it?

    Mar. 15th, 2021



    [No Subject]

    So, anyone else wondering how we might be able to prepare for whatever fresh Heaven this place throws at us next?

    Commander Erwin Smith was looking into forming an emergency response-type group to help people out in the event of another bug world (or the dino world I missed) scenario. And since I've been here longer than him and know more people, I offered to help get something organized. So, I know Natasha has her patrol force, and I thought perhaps this could be a complimentary group.

    If anyone is interested, let me know, and I'll set up a meeting.


    I hope you don't mind my taking the initiative and contacting you, and I truly don't mean to step on any toes. However, from the way everyone talks about you and your patrols, I feel like you and Erwin would get on well.


    I spoke with Natasha, and she wants to meet with you.

    Mar. 11th, 2021



    [No Subject]

    Who: Sabrina and Regulus
    Where: the movie room
    When: evening, 11 March
    What: they are still commiserating their lack of magic
    Status: Close | On going
    Warnings: None

    Welcome to the Movies )

    Mar. 10th, 2021



    [No Subject]

    The hotel has seen it fit for me to have my own room. I'll be in 512.

    Levi, thank you for being a polite room mate. Should you need me or Kreacher, feel free to knock on my door.

    Sabrina, we have a room now so we don' have to bother your roommate.

    Mar. 7th, 2021



    [No Subject]

    Is it sad that I never realized just how short I was until I couldn't use magic to get the things I can't reach? I might have to start stashing stepstools around this place if this keeps up for much longer.

    Mar. 6th, 2021



    [No Subject]

    For time magic a multiverse, the registration process was surprisingly smooth. I'm impressed. I would have expected the paperwork to take all afternoon. Is -

    I've some chocolate with me if anyone wants some. I've been told it can help with stress.

    heavily warded to werewolves & their packs (humans included)  )