Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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August 31st, 2020



[No Subject]

How are you doing?

Cora told me you were having some problems. You wanna talke?



[No Subject]

And here I thought I was going to get some peace....ah well.



[No Subject]

Well this is a neat little trick, but I am not amused!



[No Subject]

Who: Dean & John Winchester
Where: The Bar
When: 8/31/20 - Early
What: Father and son, reunited.
Warnings: Language, maybe?

Is it really you? )



[No Subject]

Well I guess it's time to get this party started. Since I am stuck here might as well have a little fun.



[No Subject]

Who: Hades and Maria
Where: The Bar
When: Right after their net conversation
What: Drinking/Flirting
Warnings: Shouldn't be high

This place certainly has an upside.... )



[No Subject]

Well this place certainly takes the cake, though I've seen worse.



[No Subject]

Oh hey. Guess I am special enough to get something from the hotel.

Weird choices, though.



Dean Winchester

So remember when we were locked in wherever for four hours? I was locked in the kitchen with Jinn. He's not so bad!



Private to Natasha

Look at Hill. Winning friends and influencing people.



[No Subject]

Steve Are we okay? I thought we were going running.



[No Subject]

Who: Elijah and Sookie
Where: The Lobby
When: After the conversation
What: Tour
Warnings: Should be low

New Place )



[No Subject]

Who: Elijah and Daenerys Targaryen
Where: The Library
When: Right after his tour with Sookie
What: Sharing their love of books
Warnings: Should be low

Making new friends )



[No Subject]


Hey, man, I know you saw Malia get here and I just wanted to check in and...

I mean, Malia and I are together, you know that, right?



[No Subject]

I saw a lot of talk about werewolves. It's around full moon time. Should I be worried?

Hi. I'm Daphne. Are you a hunter?



[No Subject]

Who: John Winchester and Diana Prince
Where: The Bar
When: After their conversation
What: Making a new friend
Warnings: Should be low. Might be some flirting.

Hanging out with a new friend... )



[No Subject]

Who: Jo Harvelle + John Winchester
Where: The beach
When: Monday evening
What: Answers
Warnings: TBD. Language is likely

Twenty five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill )



Private Bruce Banner

I need a solid.