Crown Plaza IC

Crown Plaza Hotel

A panfandom game set in a haunted hotel.

September 2021


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Powered by InsaneJournal

August 30th, 2020



[No Subject]

Woke up to find my room filled with books from my library, which is both amazing and disconcerting all at once. If you need me I'll be working out which of these mighty tomes I can stash in the library and which I'm going to have to hide under the bed.



[No Subject]

That cemetery is one creepy plot of land. I had an idea of what I might find if I looked hard enough, but I wasn't sure it'd be there.

I found Emily's grave.



[No Subject]

I can't get used to there being so many damn people around. It's so loud! All the time.



[No Subject]

Who: Diana Prince and Tony Stark
What: Getting to Know Each Other
Where: Hotel Bar
When: Evening of 8/30
Warning: Low

He drinks a Whiskey drink, he drinks a Vodka drink )



[No Subject]

The hotel must be feeling generous here lately. I now have my clothes. Too bad the ghosts or whoever didn't put them away for me instead of just leaving them in a pile on the floor.



[No Subject]

Who: Daphne Childs & John Constantine
Where: Room 502
When: After this.
What: Books sorting and storytelling.
Warnings: Language, mentions of violence, slavery, and mind control.

It was all a risk, but she'd done risky things before. )



[No Subject]

Other people are getting weapons and useful shit, and here I am with my stupid Daniel Prime outfit.



[No Subject]

Of all the bad luck in my life, this might actually be the worst.

A drink would be nice about now....too bad I just quit.



[No Subject]

I've certainly seen my fair share of magic in my time, but someone must have some serious power. Well since I seem to be stuck here for the moment would you anyone care to show me around?



[No Subject]

Now this? Not what I was expectin'. Definitely wasn't a destination that I chose.



[No Subject]

has anyone figured out yet how to make the ghosts shut up?





[No Subject]

[Kol, Davina, Josie]

I - I can't right now.


If you see a big wolf in the woods tonight, please don't shoot it.



[No Subject]

Who: Qrow Branwen and Open
Where: Exploring the hotel. Gym
When: Shortly after his arrival
What: Getting the lay of the land
Warnings: Should be low.

New Place, Same Qrow )



[No Subject]

Who: Alex Summers and OPEN
What: Destroying things
Where: Towards the beach
When: At some point after his little freak out on the network.
Warning: Low
Notes: Open to multiple

Alex Summers hates the beach. )