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Apr. 9th, 2022


[Accidental radio]

Reparo... reparo...

Damn thing.

[crashing, cracking noises]

Finite incantatem! FINITE INCANTATEM.

Mar. 29th, 2022



...better work, doesn't even make any fucking sense.

I need candles. And tobacco.

And where's the tavern?

Mar. 28th, 2022


Accidental CB Radio

Su? Caspian?

[talking to himself as he's walking about. Clanking can be heard since he's wearing armour.] This is a queer sort of place, I must say.

Lu? Can you hear me? Reepicheep? ...Pete?

Hello? Can anyone hear me? Hellooo?

Mar. 12th, 2022


text for Arcturus

Arcturus, you have one (1) new message )

Mar. 9th, 2022


Next morning texts

[Private to Bucky]

So, uhm, that was a little awkward. Sorry. Especially you know... the picture.

[Private to Eggsy]

Well, I'm very glad you said no and so sorry you had to receive that message. I put away Rhys' stuff and I wasn't ready for it.

[Private to Arcturus]

Thank you for the potions. I'll try and keep to them the next time and not write all new men disturbing messages.

[Private to Bruno]

Sooo... that was embarrassing. I am so sorry. And you have been a dear gentleman. If you wish, we can still take that trip to the stars if you promise to forget my little episode.

Mar. 6th, 2022


Message to Arcturus, O’Hara, Darcy

Did the Becket girl tell you about Hamilton?

Should we send something? I know how miserable it can be staying in medbay with the fevers.

- Crawley

Feb. 19th, 2022


Text to Arcturus

I'm coming with you. We might not be able to stop it, but whoever this madman is needs to be dealt with.


CB Radio (sometime after Katarin has left for the park)

Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis...

Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis...

Te van a disparar.

[Three knocks on a wall are heard]

Katarin. Gonna get shot.


Te van a disparar.

Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis...

[Loud knock, and a bit of a pained whimper.]

Feb. 16th, 2022


Messages for Dan and Miguel )


Text to Arcturus

Black )

Feb. 15th, 2022


[Radio broadcast by upper-class British guy, early Wednesday morning, may wake some people up]

...see how this ridiculous thing works! There. I have it.

Can anyone hear this? I am in need of an explanation of how I can be away from this place for the better part of twenty years, and return to find that...certain people haven't aged a day. I always suspected I'd be back here, but the timing could not be worse. I've a newborn son to meet; I was supposed to be taking the carpet to London. This is very inconvenient.

Feb. 11th, 2022


Short notes sent to Miguel, Rawdon and Ben )

Feb. 5th, 2022


[Accidental Radio]

[a little boy sings a cappella]

Oh no soy la dinero, no soy la dinero, soy capitán, soy capitán, soy capitán...

ya rica ya rica
'cause he said egg, 'cause he said egg oh he's an egg

Jan. 21st, 2022


Messages for Maryanne and Sarah )