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Apr. 12th, 2022


text to all Sullys, including significant others, extended/honorary Sullys, etc.

Let's have a family trip through the door to celebrate Dad being back!

Not right this second. :) We can plan it first.

Mar. 18th, 2022


Accidental Broadcast


[Taps green button on his scouter]

"What the... hell?!

I didn't get all this stuff on Planet Vegeta..."

[Meanwhile Bardock's word's are broadcast across the radiowaves and he has no idea how to turn it off.]

"Shut off, you stupid piece of..."

Nov. 11th, 2021



[The first transmission is nothing but brief bursts of static. It's not Morse Code, although those familiar with that might suspect a similar attempt at communication. It's not decipherable.]

[Next, through the static, comes an intense, quick whisper, repeated like an incantation or prayer.] kashanin shuret, in kashanin shuret, dalatya in kashanin shuret...

[The encoded message is repeated, and then she speaks more deliberately, and with some urgency.]

The strike is abandoned! I repeat, the strike is abandoned! They know we're here. Lu, it went dark and I don't know where in kehen I am right now but if you can hear me then you need to call the others back. Now!

Jul. 15th, 2020


text to Shep

Shep, you have one (1) new text )

Nov. 26th, 2019


Text sent to all AA people

Obviously, Thursday's not going to be a good day for the meeting this week, so is everyone okay if we move it to Friday evening instead?

Nov. 13th, 2019


Texts and Zip-zips (Backdated to about ten or fifteen minutes after the fighting ends)

Hem, Rawdon and Shep, you have one new message )

Bryn, you have one new message )

Kat, you have one new message )

Brenna, you have one new message )

Abra, your uncle is poking at your brain when he senses that you're finally not Busy )

Oct. 14th, 2019


Text to Shep


Aug. 24th, 2019


Open CB

[The transmission kicks in while Hemingway is in the middle of singing a battle song turned drinking song. He stops, noticing he’s the only one singing now, and there is a pause as he takes in his surroundings.]

Gotta be shitting me... fuck- [a loud thud as he punches something.] Fuck! Clever... fucking... ah-oww.

Jun. 20th, 2019


Text to Rawdon

(Backdated to the 18th because Amy's a dope, and if the following thread is not ok let me know.)

Hey Babe, what are you doing right now?

Apr. 11th, 2019


Text to Rawdon

(Forward dated to wake up time)

Don't kiss Darcy good morning.

Apr. 2nd, 2019


Text to Darcy

Do you feel like this all the time? Or have I done something to make it angry? Sorry about the

Mar. 29th, 2019


Text message for Shep

Shep, you have one (1) new text message )

Feb. 16th, 2019


-Alert message sent to everyone's phone-

(backdated to Obi-wan's Radio transmission)

Alright ladies and gentlemen, we have a ship coming in for a crash landing. I've got the ships in danger of getting crashed into moved... And standing ready to assist however possible. I don't know if it's just the pilot, or if anyone else is on board, but whoever is is going to probably need some medical assistance. And quick.

He was suffering from a system's failure. And that's never good.

If your willing and able I could sure use a hand.

Feb. 14th, 2019


Radio transmission

[static]own station, this is [static]sting landing bay location for emergency landin[static]

Transmitting identification codes now.

Unknown station, I repeat, this is the Drag[static]anding bay location for emergency landing [static]

[OoC: There is a G9 Rigger a few thousand km away from the station, broadcasting this. The bursts of static are getting longer each time]

Feb. 7th, 2019


Text for anyone who has been to his support group

I feel like shit and talking is hard right now. Does anyone else want to run things this evening?


Jan. 19th, 2019


Text to Isabel

You know, I'd ask the cliche question: What the fuck is wrong with you? But I really can't find I give a flying fuck. I do care that you have upset my boyfriend, and that it vaguely sounded like you were going to proposition him for sex, if you had it wouldn't be a text you'd be waking up to it would be my gun in your face.

I don't care if you don't respond to this, but you best fucking read it. Leave my boyfriend out of your weird Hemingway stalking bullshit. What you have for him isn't love, it's some fucked up fangirl worshiping shit. Whatever you think it is better not find its way to my front door again. Or you'll find my boot in your ass so far you'll be picking shoelaces out of your teeth for a month.

Nov. 2nd, 2018


Text messages

Shep, you have four (4) new messages )

Oct. 13th, 2018


Text message

Shep, you have one (1) new text message )

Oct. 12th, 2018


Text to Shepard

Ashley told me I heard from Dr

Feel free to just ignore this, or to tell me to fuck off.

Do you need anything right now? Is there anything I can do for you or Colonel Captain Crawley?

Oct. 9th, 2018


Text to Rawdon

Can I see Hi

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