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Feb. 17th, 2015


Text to HH Residents

House meeting. Now.

Nov. 5th, 2014


Text to the BH crew (sent during Cutler arrival thread)

You have (1) new message )

Jun. 9th, 2014


Text to George


Mar. 30th, 2014


Backdated to yesterday

[Text to Annie]

Can you look after Eve for the evening? I'm gonna drag George to the pub to join Steve.

[Text to George]

Mate, we'll get you hammered tonight.

[Text to Maryanne]

I'm dragging George to the pub. Are you planning on staying around and joining Steve?

[Text to Malcolm]

George and me are going to get drunk with Steve. You come?

Sep. 10th, 2013


Text to George, Nina and Maryanne

James and I are going after the killer. George, Nina, can you look after Annie for me? I don't want her to be alone.

Maryanne, can you look after the pub? I don't think I'm going to be in today.

Aug. 4th, 2013


Text to Mitchell (OE), Nina Pickering, George Sands, Maryanne Walker

I need a break from this bloody island, I'm going to Pamplona. Anyone coming?

Jun. 22nd, 2013


Open CB

Sh-sh-shit ffffor gggot to wwwwarn. Ddddddon't ccccome out iiiinto ththtthe woods tttt-tto night.

There is a short burst of screaming, cracking of bone, can be heard.

Ffffor ggggod's sssake. Tthththe mmmmoon is ff-ffull.

There is another loud scream, the phone is dropped, as the cracks pops and gloopy sounds of shifting occurs. Followed by a long loud howl. And the CB cuts off.

Apr. 19th, 2013


Text to George

You have (1) new message )

Apr. 7th, 2013


Text to Nina, George and Annie

Sophia is moving into the spare room. She's just a kid and she shouldn't be living in her own. You won't have extra work. I will look after her.

[Private to Annie]

Hey gorgeous, what are you doing at the moment?

Feb. 25th, 2013


Text to George

I should be home in another hour, if you're still up. Things seem to be quietening down, in a way.

I'm thinking we should be locked up tomorrow night.

Jan. 29th, 2013


Text to George.

Soon as you get this, come find me? The forest, north-east if you can find the trail. The blood will hel

Dec. 4th, 2012


[Text to George]

There's a mixtape on our doorstep, and it's to Eve – 'Bedtime music'. Surely anyone who actually knows us would actually give it to us.

I don't even know where to begin to interpret it. Do you think it's something from home, that we did and we just don't know about it? And turned up here. Like things used to turn up on the train from people's homes?

[No filter]

Just in case it's not some weird Island, sending stuff from home, thing;

..That mixtape that someone left on our doorstep? Honestly? It's just a little bit odd, isn't it? Aside from the fact, we've no means by which to play it and rather than appreciate whatever it is you've compiled for her, Eve really just wants to eat it.

I suppose we'd just like to know what it's all about, really?

Oct. 19th, 2012


[Text to Sirius]

Oi, mate. I heard you're kicking about this crazy place. What the bloody hell is going on?

[Text to Nina & George.]

Hello. You don't know me, and this is kind of awkward, but my name's Remus and I only just arrived really. Anyway, I was told that you guys are werewolves, and that maybe I should contact you because I am, too. A werewolf, I mean. I don't really know what I expect you to do with that information, and maybe you don't even want to know at all, but well- there we go. But I was wondering if you know when the next full moon is meant to be, here.

Oct. 18th, 2012


Text to everyone

I just found a few paintballing guns in a store. Hmm, George, up for a rematch? Anybody else interested in it?

Aug. 2nd, 2012


CB Radio

(OOC: How the CBs work, when someone is on it, everyone with a cell phone can hear the chatter over it, unless they change the channel, and they can jump into the conversation. The default, and general chat channel, is always channel 1.)

George, I love you, but I have never wanted to see THAT much of you ever. I hope to god someone else shows up before the next full moon.