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Jun. 8th, 2016



To Luna.

Hello, Princess. How are you?

To Applejack and Maryanne.

Hi. How are my two wonderful Aunts?

Dec. 8th, 2015


Text to Luna


Oct. 20th, 2015


Text to Luna

You have (1) new message )

Sep. 30th, 2015


FaceTime with Clint Barton )

Sep. 27th, 2015


[Posted to the network earlier in the evening.]

Tonight is the blood moon! Please rejoice and look to the sky this evening with me!

Sep. 6th, 2015


Text to Luna


Aug. 31st, 2015


Text to Katherine

Good evening my friend,

I am wondering if you might have time to take my picture?

Aug. 25th, 2015


Text to Katherine

We are going to see the Giant Mouse.

Aug. 24th, 2015


Text to Clint Barton
I have a top secret mission and I require your assistance.


[Text to Luna and Thor]

Hey, you two. Has one of you ever heard about the concept of a constant?

[Text to Rarity (BACKDATED TO THE 8th)]

Hi Rarity, I wondered if you could sew me some robes for a little boy? Thanks, Katherine

Jul. 30th, 2015


Text to Sean
How do you feel about a race around the island?

Jun. 29th, 2015


Text to Luna

Should we go through the door? You know how much I enjoy being underwater, it'll be nice to not worry about holding my breath for once.

Maybe you'll become a seahorse?

Jun. 8th, 2015


[Text to Clint (MCU)]
How are you feeling? Would you like me to visit today?

[Text to Sean]
How are you? Back to your old self?

(Caitlin is not sorry for overloading Becca with texts <3 )

May. 25th, 2015


Filtered from Kytana R and any other kids of OId Steve

Steve is gone, I no longer sense him in the Force.

I will kill them all avenge him.

If my daughter doesn't indicate she knows please don't tell her.

May. 23rd, 2015


Group Text with Harry Houdini and Sean Rogers )

May. 22nd, 2015


Text to Luna


Apr. 17th, 2015


Open CB

An accidental post while fiddling with this damned technology! Luna can be heard singing.

~As the sun rises
So does the moon

As love finds a place in every heart
You are a princess
You'll play your part~

Mar. 22nd, 2015


Hallo? Ich kann nicht finden, meine Eltern oder meine Schwester. Kann mir jemand bitte helfen? Was ist das Ding?

Feb. 26th, 2015


Who: Princess Luna & OPEN
When: Midnight
Where: The (Clint's) Old House, Outside
What: Thinking
Rating: Low

Impossible things are happening everyday. )

Jan. 31st, 2015


Open Radio Communication

Hello? Can you hear me? I am looking for something to eat. Hello?

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