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May. 6th, 2022


Texts to Dr Cuddy & Dan Torrance

Text to Dr Cuddy )

Text to Dan )

Apr. 16th, 2022


Text to Hamilton

I have absolutely lost track of time. Could you tell Philip I'm sorry for missing class? And... I'll probably miss two more?

Apr. 15th, 2022


Group text to everyone who attends 'church' on the station regularly.

On Easter Sunday, Matilda and I plan to attend church through the door in Alsace. We will be meeting at the entrance to the castle and travelling together. If anyone else in our number would care to join us, you will be gladly welcomed along.

- Mr. Darcy

Apr. 10th, 2022


[Text to Alexander Hamilton when she reads this]

Are you going to France?

I can take care of things in the office next week, if you wanted to go.


[Group message to Alex, Rawdon, Miguel, Darcy]

Dear friends,

You may not have heard last night, but my father is here. I am delighted to see him, and of course it is very good for Sirius to have him here. The responsibility was

It may change things, at least in the short term. My father will come to understand the nature of this place, likely more quickly than I did, but until then I'll be in for it if he finds out half of what I have been doing here. Probably not the half you'd

I am not sure if I will be able to keep the telephone, but if you do not hear from me, there are always the letterboxes.

- Black

[Addendum sent to Alex and Rawdon a minute later]

I'll be there on Thursday regardless, because a fellow has to keep to his commitments!

Apr. 6th, 2022


A hearty hello to my fellow abductees. I have been reliably informed that this message will reach some known persons upon this metal craft, and I believe truthfully that it would be rude and remiss of me to not introduce myself to all of you fine, good fellows.

My name is Stede Bonnet, the infamous Gentleman Pirate, scourge of the seven seas and Captain extraordinaire. I am, as ever, your humble servant aboard this vessel.

With fondest and warmest of regards,
Capt. Stede Bonnet
(formerly of the good ship,The Revenge.

Mar. 28th, 2022


Text to Maryanne

Text to Maryanne )

Mar. 16th, 2022


Texts to Liberty

Liberty Becket, you have (3) new messages )

Feb. 28th, 2022


Texts! Very formal texts!

Dr Cuddy )

Applejack )

Feb. 19th, 2022


Accidental CB

Take the bullets out your gun. [Pause] Did you hear me? We cannot let a stray gunshot give us away.

[Muffled, and then]

It's either that or meet the business end of a bayonet. The code word is 'Rochambeau' dig me?

What the fuck?