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Oct. 30th, 2018


Text message

Desmond, you have one (1) new message )

Oct. 1st, 2018


Accidental voice post

"-at the shock, Tommy?! I told you t-"

"No. No, it's okay. Are you okay? I'm okay"

"Of course you're okay, it was electricity, bit-head. And I'm okay. I'll just check Lyla wasn't fried."

"Hello, Miguel. You appear to be an adult again, welcome back. Using the arbitrary dating system in use on the station, it's October 1st, 2018 an-"

"What. The. Shock."

"It's when?"

"Hello, Tommy Sully. You have grown older also. It's October 1st, 2018."

"Oh, crap."

"I will let Sarah know what has happened. Although Miguel's phone is broadcasting this entire conversation over the network, so she may already know."


"I'm going to throttle you, Sully! No, I'll put you out an airlock. You said this was theoretical!"

"Oh, come on, this is no worse than the time when we di-"

[the phone cuts off at this point]

Aug. 29th, 2018


open CB broadcast )

Aug. 22nd, 2018


Open CB, during her thread with Suzume

There is a child alone on the third wheel.  She was last seen running towards location..  She is approximately height tall, has long dark hair, dark eyes, wearing a pink dress and leggings.  There is an electrical problem in this section.  The lights are out and there were sparks.  

[A pause.]

I think she's a new arrival. I hate to think of her alone, especially if it's unsafe in this section. I'm sending a photo of her to all phones and I will continue looking.

[A photo of Zu running away is sent to all phones]

Aug. 12th, 2018


Text to Sarah [Sent Sunday, before anyone disappears]

I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do, anything at all, just let me know.

Jun. 24th, 2018


Text to Sarah

Up for some experimenting?

May. 27th, 2018


Open Broadcast

((OOC: During this ))

[Hello, this is Captain Alezand. I am in need of assistance. My ship is damaged. I mean you no harm. Any assistance would be appreciated]

The message repeats in multiple alien languages and is obviously on a playback loop.