April 2013




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Apr. 5th, 2013


Text Messages

Michael )

Dean )

Lucifer )

Mar. 30th, 2013


Text Messages for Hal Yorke

Hal, you have four new messages. )

Mar. 26th, 2013


Texts for Dean Winchester

Dean, you have 5 new messages. )

Mar. 6th, 2013


Text Message for Lucifer

Come over to the house. Now. Please.

[immediately after]
Seriously. Emmy is the one who suggested it and it wasn't exactly a suggestion so much as you NEED to come over immediately.

[ooc: takes place during this]

Mar. 4th, 2013


Text Messages for Jude Harvelle

I need some help.

[immediately after]
I have a date. With Elijah.

[immediately after that]
It's been so long, I'm not sure I even remember what you're supposed to do on a date.

[a few seconds later]
I really don't want to mess this up.

Mar. 1st, 2013


Text Message for John Winchester )

Jan. 24th, 2013


Various Text Messages

Text Message for Gabriel )

Text Message for Lucifer )

Text Message for Dean )

Text Message for Ruby )

Text Message for John Winchester )

Jan. 21st, 2013


Text Messages for Mary Winchester

So. Apparently everyone in this city has forgotten that we can (presumably) text without everyone seeing it.

[a few seconds later]
With that being said, would you like to meet up tomorrow for some coffee?

Jan. 14th, 2013


Text to Dean Winchester

So. Since you seem to be the expert on how to handle things in this place, do you think you could clue me in on what we're supposed to do now that MOM is here?

Nov. 6th, 2012


Text Messages for Stanton Parish

So I know it's still a few weeks away, but I wanted to go ahead and mention it. If you don't have any other plans, I'd really like it if you would come by my house for Thanksgiving.

[immediately after]
It's very casual, and there will be a lot of us, so it won't be "all eyes on Stanton" night. Promise.

[immediately after that]
Although I make no promises that my kids won't give you the third degree when they first meet you. At least until someone else comes along to grab their interest.

[immediately after that]
Seriously, though. I'd really like it if you could make it, if you don't have any other plans.

Sep. 28th, 2012


Text Messages for Lucifer

Text Messages for Lucifer )

Sep. 27th, 2012


Text Message for Nikola Tesla

If you try to kill my son, I'm coming for you. Fair warning.

[ooc: sent not long after this]

Sep. 4th, 2012


Accidental Mass!Text - Meant for Stephanie Brown

So. Steph. No need to panic or anything but you haven't seen Abu, have you?

[immediately after that]
Or the pink, sparkly scissors I keep in my room?

[immediately after that]
Or the extra strength super glue?

[immediately after that]
Or the box of chocolate candy bars I keep stashed in my closet?

[immediately after that]
Because if not, we might have a little bit of a problem in the form of a hyper-active primate climbing through the walls with a weapon and the means to keep someone from getting away...

Aug. 22nd, 2012


Accidental Mass!Text - Meant for Dean Winchester

Hey. How's it going? I was going to call but I figured I might stand a better chance if I just went with texting.

[immediately after]
So. Jack and I tracked down the other you's version of Baby. And by tracked down, I mostly mean we remembered where we'd found it the last time, a few years from now.

[immediately after that]
Wow, that sentence was all kinds of messed up with the tenses and all. Right. Anyway. Any chance you have a spare carburetor I could get so I can get her running up to specs again? Otherwise, Jack and I are just going to borrow your car and then you're probably going to kill us so, really, it's best if we just

Jul. 27th, 2012


Text Message for Hannah

Papa says I'm going to be a big brother (one of two? Marlon is from your time, right?), so we should meet! I know you're injured right now, but if you want to get out of the apartment I can take you for ice cream or something, there's a little shopping center near us that has some things to do and won't be too far to take a cab.

Jul. 24th, 2012


Accidental Mass!Text (meant for Dean Winchester) ; open to everyone

[ooc: sent after this]

I need help.

[immediately after]
I stopped by and no one was here, except for Loki. And we got to talking. And, well, he said that women warriors were just jealous of men and that we'd never be as good as they were.

[immediately after that]
And then I sort of choked him. And threw him. And now he's bleeding. A lot. So if you could tell me where you keep a supply of Claire's blood, that'd be awesome.

[immediately after that]
And, you know, sorry for any damage I might have made in my wake. I'll totally help clean it up and repair it. Just as soon as I heal Loki so Jack doesn't shoot me in the face for killing his idol, I mean.

Jul. 23rd, 2012


Texts for Bucky Barnes

Text Messages for Bucky Barnes )

Jun. 26th, 2012


Accidental Mass Text - Meant for Damon Salvatore, Lyle Bennet & Matt Donovan

Sunday is July first, which means there's only a month a half until I'm a father. There's only a month and a hand half until I'm a father and I'm terrified. You'd think that almost getting killed on an almost weekly basis by vampires was more terrifying, but it's not.

[right after]
What if I screw this up? I'm only seventeen. I don't know the first thing about being a father. I know I've been practicing with Emma, but it'll be different when it's Sheila. What if I can't do anything right? What if in a few years Bonnie resents me for getting her pregnant? Last week we got in all these stupid arguments when we weren't ourselves and I'd hate to wind up like that later on down the road.

[right after]
I love Bonnie more than I've loved anyone and I already love Sheila and I don't want to screw this up. I wish Ric or my dad or even John were here. Maybe then I wouldn't feel so terrified.


Accidental Mass!Text :: Meant for Elijah, Damon, and Caroline

Looks like I can't lie again and I'm really hungry.

[immediately after]
If you would be willing to help, I'd really appreciate it.

Jun. 13th, 2012


Mycroft Holmes, you have two new text messages )

Jun. 9th, 2012


Text message to Adam Young

Adam Young, you have one new message )

Jun. 5th, 2012


Text Messages for Charles Xavier )

[ooc: sent immediately after this]

May. 31st, 2012


Text Messages for Dean Winchester

I'm probably going to be here until late.

[immediately after]
It's bad, Dean. Really bad. I'm talking eyes gouged out, hand cut off, bones broken and at least one removed kind of bad.

[ooc: obviously sent after clint was rescued and taken to the clinic]

May. 24th, 2012


Text Message for Sherlock )

Text Messages for Canton )

Text Message for Clint )


text messages.



May. 7th, 2012


Mass!Texts - Meant for the Doctor

Text Messages for the Doctor )

[ooc: sent during this]

May. 3rd, 2012


Text Messages for the Doctor )

[ooc: sent a bit after this and immediately after this.]


Accidental Mass!Text - Meant for Jude Harvelle

Mayday, mayday. Jude, I need help.

[immediately after]
I can't lie. Not that I normally lie anyway, but I can't even say things in a politely argumentative way. I'm being ridiculously, rudely honest. I open my mouth and the truth just falls right out. No matter what.

[immediately after that]
And I have an interview at four tomorrow for an internship with a PR firm.

[immediately after that]
You know me. I can't function like this. I definitely can't go to a job interview like this. I can't even talk to most of the people I know like this!

[immediately after that]
Stop laughing and help me figure out what to do.

Apr. 27th, 2012


Text Messages for Charles Xavier )

Text Message for Sherlock Holmes )

Apr. 26th, 2012


Text Messages for Sherlock Holmes

Would you care to explain to me why it is I have a report on my desk that lists you as the primary witness in a shooting?

[immediately after]
And none of that 'I just happened to be there' crap either, Sherlock. We both know you didn't just give your statement and leave it at that.

[a few seconds later]
Am I going to have to actually arrest you - again - to keep you away from crime scenes in this city? I'll do it, if I have to.

Apr. 24th, 2012


Text Messages for Dean Winchester

Soooo. Guess who has two thumbs and is officially sixteen today. Me!

[immediately after]
And guess what the age is to be able to legally drive a car without parental types around. Sixteen! Which I am. Today.

[immediately after that]
C'mon, dad. You know where this is going. Don't make me have to spell it out anymore than that. <3

[ooc: to clarify, as per the ridiculous aging rate for an amazon, ickle!emma is now grown, having been raised by claire and dean in the past few days]

Apr. 11th, 2012


Lyle Bennet, you have TWO new messages )

Alaric Saltzman, you have ONE new message )

Apr. 8th, 2012


Text Messages for Nathan Wuornos. )

Apr. 3rd, 2012


Text Message for Dean Winchester

I kept waiting for you to say something but I reckon you're stuck on what to do. So I'm just going to offer and that'll be that. I can help Cas with his memories and all. If you want.

Mar. 30th, 2012


Text to (her) Dean Winchester

Whenever you get off work, we need to talk. About Cas.

[immediately after]

[ooc: this was sent a bit earlier today]

Mar. 28th, 2012


Text Messages for Lucifer )

Mar. 9th, 2012


Eames, you have ONE new message )

Arthur, you have ONE new message )


Jennsen, you have ONE new message )

Mar. 6th, 2012


Lyle Bennet, you have ONE new message )

Elena Gilbert, you have ONE new message )

Mar. 5th, 2012


Edmund Pevensie, you have TWO new messages )

Feb. 29th, 2012


Accidental Mass!Text; Meant for Gabriel

Gabe, it's time.

[a few seconds later]
Seriously. It's TIME.

[a few seconds after that]
And I don't mean time for you to come home.

[a few seconds after that]
Well, I DO mean it's time to come home but not because of where you are or who you're with.

[two minutes later]
Damnit, Gabe, I'm in labor. Get your winged ass out of the strip club and home NOW to help with this or, so help ME, I'm going to trap you in holy fire and make sure you have nothing but lima beans to eat for the rest of eternity!

[a few seconds later]
Also, I love you. Please hurry. I don't want to have this baby here. I want to have him in a hospital with drugs. Lots and lots of drugs.

Feb. 27th, 2012


Text Message for Sherlock Holmes

I'm not dead. Let's have dinner.

Feb. 25th, 2012


Text Message for Gabe

I want olives. I don't even LIKE olives, and now I want olives.

[immediately after]
And pretzels.

[immediately after that]
And chocolate pudding. Because I ate the last box this morning.

[immediately after]
Translation: You need to come home from the club and bring me these things. And no making them yourself. They taste funny when you do that. Except the pudding.

Feb. 14th, 2012


Mass Text to Helena Bertinelli, Stephanie Brown & Tim Drake

Someone has to get over to Babs' now! I'd go, but I can't leave Lian alone.

Feb. 13th, 2012


Mass!Text - Meant for the Doctor; Sent to everyone

Doctor, are you busy? Because I could really use your help.

[immediately after]
Like, right now. Right, RIGHT now.

[immediately after that]
It's just that, well, there's zombies. In the TARDIS.

[immediately after that]
Just thought you should know.

Feb. 11th, 2012


Text Message for Owen Harper

You are the deadest man in all of Deadonia.

Feb. 10th, 2012


Text Messages for Owen Harper

So I really hope you're home. Because if you aren't, you need to be. Now.

[immediately after]
And if you could open my bathroom door, that would be great. Oh! And bring a really big knife. Or sword. Or machete. Or maybe even all three.

[immediately after that]
Because I'm stuck inside. And wrapped in vines. And I'm pretty sure there's a giant snake at my feet.

[and immediately after that]
And a scorpion the size of my head that's a few feet above my head.

[a few seconds later]
Did I mention I don't want to die again? Because I really don't. Not even a little. The first time was bad enough. Definitely not looking for round two, here. Just saying.

Feb. 9th, 2012


Text Message for Jack Harkness

Text Message for Jack Harkness )

Feb. 4th, 2012


Text Message for Charles Xavier

Okay, I give. I've been all over this stupid house. WHERE ARE YOU?!?

[immediately after]
Because I'm bored. And can't sleep. And did I mention I'm bored? Because I'm seriously BORED.

[a few seconds later]
You better not be in some kind of trouble. Or kidnapped. Or both. I'm bored but I'm not up to either plotting a rescue or providing an alibi because of some suddenly mentally deficient kidnapping wannabes.

Feb. 1st, 2012


Text Message for John Constantine

[ooc: sent after this]

I'm closing down the shop. The magic books are organizing themselves and giving me advice.

[immediately after that]
Oh! And let's not forget the flock of birds that are dusting the back room, too.

[a few seconds later]
And if you find any fur in the daily reports, blame the rabbits, not me.

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