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Jul. 24th, 2012


Accidental Mass!Text (meant for Dean Winchester) ; open to everyone

[ooc: sent after this]

I need help.

[immediately after]
I stopped by and no one was here, except for Loki. And we got to talking. And, well, he said that women warriors were just jealous of men and that we'd never be as good as they were.

[immediately after that]
And then I sort of choked him. And threw him. And now he's bleeding. A lot. So if you could tell me where you keep a supply of Claire's blood, that'd be awesome.

[immediately after that]
And, you know, sorry for any damage I might have made in my wake. I'll totally help clean it up and repair it. Just as soon as I heal Loki so Jack doesn't shoot me in the face for killing his idol, I mean.

Jul. 3rd, 2012


Accidental Mass Text! (Intended for Thor & Sif.)

I hate this. Honesty. My insides are tearing themselves apart because it goes against everything that I am used to, being so open about everything, but all of this is pressing me towards one thing, and I have resisted it as long as I believe I am able.

I am sorry. I am, but I am not in the same breath. It is a conflicting feeling, knowing that you want to take back everything that you've done but knowing that were you placed in the position that you were again, you would still do everything exactly the same. Well, perhaps not everything, but all the things that matter would stay the same.

I do not deserve your forgiveness or your consideration as much as I may want it because I am sure, should I be pressed, we may find ourselves at odds again.

Jun. 5th, 2012


Text Messages.

text messages to jack winchester )

text messages to sif )