Posts Tagged: 'sam+wilson'

May. 7th, 2019



Open to All

We've been through a lot lately. Good and bad. There's more and more people showing up. Some new. Some returning who don't remember being here before. Looking at it all together it's looking like something is back-building. Something big. I bounced this off a few people and we seem to be in agreement. It's time to rebuild what we had before.

It's time for the Avengers and SHIELD to reform.

I realize this may not be a welcome idea, and Pepper I know you and Tony are new parents so I'm sorry the timing is bad. No one will be forced into this. If someone wants to be backup or not involved at all that decision will be respected.

But I'm calling for volunteers. So is Nick. Old faces and new. Sound off here with what you'd prefer. If you are going to be part of this let us know which team you want to be on: Avengers or SHIELD.


Apr. 27th, 2019



Multiple Texts & Public network post.

Do you have any requests for what I make for dinner tonight? And before you ask, no I am not stopping and picking up pizza.

How are you settling in? I realize you don't remember but we did live together for a bit of time so I have some clothes and things for you if you want them.

How are you settling in?

I'd say congrats daddy but I've discovered that has another meaning now apparently. Which is... disturbing to say the least. I can't believe you made me a great aunt already. How are you?

I've bought a disturbing amount of clothes for my new favorite child, so I hope you're fully prepared to gush over them all with me. Is there anything you need?

[Public to the network]
Welcome to everyone that's arrived and I have missed. If there is anything I can do to help you feel more welcome, please don't hesitate to reach out. I regret to say that I still move at a '40s pace but eventually I'll be able to keep up with everything. Hopefully.

Our apartment pool is going to be opening soon, would anyone else be up for a bit of a party to kick off the summer?

Apr. 18th, 2019



[Network Post]

I'm slowly catching up on things.

I can't believe I just sat through those prequels. What the hell happened to George Lucas??

Tell me other things I should watch, I'm bored.

Apr. 17th, 2019



[Network Post]

Alright peeps.

A question for the hive mind:

If I colored one thing on every page of the coloring book in the lobby of my dentist's office, would you consider that a) a dick head move or b) an invite to collaborate?

(and of COURSE I have a dentist! What kind of pleeb do you all take me for? Oh -- right, Tony Boss, I need some time for my dental appointment kthxbai)

Apr. 12th, 2019



[Network Post]

Falcon reporting for duty.

Pepper filled me in on what's going on. Figured I should say hi and see who else is around.



[Network Post]

I'm Bucky. A magician told me that I was here before. Don't remember anything about meeting anyone in an alternate dimension though.

I'm looking for a hundred year old veteran from Brooklyn who never knew when to quit.

Apr. 28th, 2018


Attention Castaways!

Have you met The Man In The Cape? Are you Recently Deceased but now find yourself alive and well again? Are you Not Who/What/Where You Thought You Were? In the inimitable words of one John McClain, "Welcome to the party, pal!"

Specifically MY party. It's the This Is Not My Beautiful House Party. First in a series. There will be food, drink, Drink (if you know what I mean--but not for you, Spider-Man), and hopefully lots of people to socialize with.

If you're on this network, you're invited. Be there, or be square. Aloha.

[Sam's address]
[Time] (flexible) If you show up early, you help set up. Show up late? Help clean up.

Apr. 10th, 2018


So here's the thing...

Whoever said, "The universe is not only stranger than you imagine, it's stranger than you can imagine," wasn't just whistling Dixie.

I find myself in the unusual position of being a months-long resident of the Big Apple and a brand-new arrival. So hello, everyone.

Some of you are friends. Some of you are acquaintances. Some of you I know by name/reputation/sight. Some of you are complete strangers. But we're all in this together, I'm told.

So once again: hello, everyone. Feel free to catch up, say hello, or introduce yourself, as appropriate.