May 7th, 2019



Open to All

We've been through a lot lately. Good and bad. There's more and more people showing up. Some new. Some returning who don't remember being here before. Looking at it all together it's looking like something is back-building. Something big. I bounced this off a few people and we seem to be in agreement. It's time to rebuild what we had before.

It's time for the Avengers and SHIELD to reform.

I realize this may not be a welcome idea, and Pepper I know you and Tony are new parents so I'm sorry the timing is bad. No one will be forced into this. If someone wants to be backup or not involved at all that decision will be respected.

But I'm calling for volunteers. So is Nick. Old faces and new. Sound off here with what you'd prefer. If you are going to be part of this let us know which team you want to be on: Avengers or SHIELD.




