January 8th, 2019



Text to Jane

(1) I wanted to thank you again for the tickets to King Kong. I greatly enjoyed it, and perhaps I will have to gift my brother tickets. He does so enjoy theatre.

(2) And are you feeling better? I must confess, it greatly worried me to see you become ill at the show. You are also looking more and more unwell. Are you resting? Eating? I could employ a lady-in-waiting for you.



[Network Post]

Hey. So I understand there was another me. I'm not even going to try to explain how that works. I'll leave that to the mystic man, but I was told I was stuck in the Soul Stone...or something. Ask Strange. But I'm back.



[Network Post]

What the hell happened to my office? Didn't anyone dust in there while I was gone? Where's my assistant? How can I get caught up when everything is such a mess?

Yes, I'm back.
Yes, I'm still pregnant.
And yes, the wedding is still a go. I just have to reorganize a bit.