November 24th, 2018



[Network Post]

    Everyone crawl outta their turkey coma yet? I think Happy's still sleeping it off. And that's ok. He needs his beauty sleep.

    Had a chat with Strange. He's been working on getting a couple of the world's worst flavors of poprocks contained in magical whatsits before he passes them out for guard duty. That's going to be fun. Like the Christmas present no one wanted, only there's no gift receipt for a return. Expect to hear from him soon-ish.

    Oh, and I saw the news, but I was waiting for Captain Obvious to step up and say hi. Don't be shy.

    [private filter to Steve]

    Yeah, I know I'm a jerk. Recent events were enough of a punch in the junk that I know we need to have a chat. Also soon-ish.

    You know, whenever you can pencil me in. Because you probably still use stone age tools like pencils.