April 21st, 2018


[Network Post]

Hey guys! It's me, Scott.

Yay weird circumstances? So I guess, yeah. I'm here, and I'll be doing some contract work for people who need some electrical engineering or programming without the whole...legal paper nonsense. Because that former theft stuff really puts a damper on trying to do anything ever again.

Day to day aside if anyone needs Ant Man for heroly things--and where are we with that anyways? Should I be talking about that? Whatever, I'm here. Again. Let's just not...go to jail this time. Full disclaimers needed before hopping back into the suit. I have a kid I would still like to see. Please. Thanks. Cool.



[Network Post]

I found myself in New York. Pretty much literally.

[Tony Stark, Shuri]
Hi. Dr. Strange said one of might have a lab I could work out of? And I don't suppose that lab space might come with access to a radio telescope?