November 2012





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Mar. 18th, 2012


WHO: James and Sirius and alcohol — maybe the other Marauders??
WHEN: Sunday evening
WHERE: Sirius's House
WHAT: James has alcohol, Sirius doesn't, Lily doesn't want it at their house, and Remus told James to babysit
RATING: possibly NSFW, given Sirius's current language
STATUS: open to Remus or Peter, in progress

James had to admit as he emptied the contents of his liquor cabinet that going next door and encouraging his best friend's binge maybe wasn't the brightest idea in the world. However, Moony had a point: more than anything else, someone needed to be looking after Padfoot. And if that meant letting him mix a really powerful drink, well—then that would be what he'd do.

James gathered their red wine, white wine, vodka, bourbon, gin, and scotch out of the cabinet and placed them on the counter. He also reached for the unopened bottle of tonic and pulled a couple of cans of ginger ale from the fridge, but he made sure he left enough ginger ale for Lily if she needed it. But he wasn't about to leave with that much alcohol and not take anything to cut it with. They weren't spring chickens anymore, after all. Once they were gathered on the counter, he swooped his wand at them and shrank them all down until he could scoop all the bottles up in his hand.

Giving a quick kiss to his wife, he headed out the front door, whistling on his short walk next door. He came in without preamble and headed for the kitchen. "Pads?" He placed the bottles on the counter and returned them to their proper state.

Mar. 14th, 2012


WHO: James and Lily
WHEN: Backdated, Sunday evening, after Lily's drinks with SnivSnape
WHERE: The Potter Home
WHAT: Lily comes home early and they don't have sex (important detail for James)
STATUS: complete

Lily couldn't help but laugh at him, all flustered and worried and trying to figure out a way to make things up to her. It was so cute how much he cared when he showed it like this. )

Mar. 11th, 2012


Owl to Remus Lupin, on his birthday )

Mar. 8th, 2012


James Anti-Burglarizes His Next-Door Neighbor

left on Sirius's kitchen table, wrapped in orange wrapping paper with a big red bow (like, a car-sized bow) precariously balanced on top )

Mar. 3rd, 2012


WHO: The better question might be who isn't there (that isn't stuck at Hogwarts)!
WHEN: Saturday night.
WHERE: The transformed Leaky Cauldron.
WHAT: The masquerade party for Sirius' birthday!
STATUS: Open, in progress.

Read more... )

Feb. 13th, 2012


WHO: James and Lily
WHEN: Tuesday Evening, after they're both off work
WHERE: Godric's Hollow
WHAT: It's Valentine's Day. And James and Lily like each other.
RATING: PG...for now. Depends on how good James was with his present.
STATUS: in progress

But Valentine's Day was all his, to do as he pleased. To be as ridiculous, surprising, or amazing as he wanted to be. It was the holiday he put the most thought into (April Fools aside). )

Jan. 28th, 2012


WHO: Oliver and James
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: Godric's Hollow, Potter residence
WHAT: A pep talk about women...this ought to be interesting
SATUS: Complete

It may come as a bit of a shock to readers of Witch's Weekly, but Oliver Wood was not really as good with the ladies as he'd like to admit. )

Jan. 16th, 2012


WHO: Gwenog Jones and James Potter
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHERE: Diagon Alley, Quality Quidditch Supplies
WHAT: Gwen just finished a spokeswoman appearance for the new series of Firebolt brooms
STATUS: Complete

Gwenog Jones always, always made time for her fans. )

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