November 2012





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Oct. 7th, 2012


WHO: Romilda and Emma
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Hogsmeade, outside of Madam Puddifoot's
WHAT: Mean girls are mean.
RATING: PG, might be a bit bullying and, well, mean.
STATUS: Open to Maira specifically, to other Hogwarts students possibly -- let us know if you're interested! Be forewarned, they will probably make fun of you.

Emma wasn't as obsessed with Hogsmeade weekends as most of her classmates were, but she enjoyed it nonetheless.  )

Sep. 16th, 2012


WHO: Emma (& later, Ellie)
WHEN: Monday morning, during breakfast
WHERE: the Hufflepuff 6th year girls' dormitory
WHAT: Emma pulls a prank (a mean-spirited one) on Ellie.
RATING: PG, maybe a bit higher for Ellie's language
STATUS: Mini-logs, complete.

Emma was a mean girl but she wasn't nasty. Yes, to her, there is a difference. )

Sep. 12th, 2012


WHO: Maira and Emma
WHEN: Tuesday, tea time
WHERE: Courtyard
WHAT: Tea for tea dregs to read, and Emma's in a plotting mood. Maira's humouring her.
STATUS: closed, incomplete.

Maira was always happier after school had settled in to a routine. She enjoyed routine. Made it easier to plan. Today, she had some free time, which was a perfect time to practice her Divination and do some writings for the class, and had informed Emma that with clear skies overhead, it was necessary to take advantage and do their studying outside.

Practical practise seemed like the most valuable approach for Divination. What good was their NEWT classwork if they weren't trying to make it work? She set up a blanket in the courtyard with a pot of tea and a few extra tea leaves and two tea cups. She's also brought scones, because scones are delicious. Her Advanced Divination reference book sat in her lap, and Maira waited for Emma to join her.

Sep. 11th, 2012


WHO: Emma and Eleanor
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon, before Charms class
WHERE: Charms classroom
WHAT: A run-in
RATING: PG+ maybe for language (not Emma's)
STATUS: Complete.

Honestly, who ever looked good in yellow? )

Sep. 1st, 2012


WHO: Current Hogwarts Students
WHEN: September 1
WHERE: On board the Hogwarts Express
WHAT: Off to school we go.

IC/OOC: Feel free to do threads below (anything that lasts past 4 comments each will be counted in activity check) or in a separate entry. Also feel free to just OOCly talk about your character on the train. An OOC comment will be made below for that.

Also, please tag your character after you comment.

Jul. 29th, 2012


Characters: Mandy and Open
Setting: Flourish
Rating: G-PG
Content: None
Summary: Bit of a break
Status: Incomplete

Mandy was deliberately taking her time today enjoying the rare British sunshine )