November 2012





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Aug. 4th, 2012


Dedalus and Hestia's Wedding!

WHO: Just about anyone and everyone!
WHEN: Starting at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon, going into the wee hours of Sunday morning.
WHERE: Kinnettles Castle, Scotland.
WHAT: The wedding day (pre-ceremony, the wedding, and wedding reception!).
STATUS: Open, ongoing.

Dedalus and Hestia's wedding took place at Kinnettles Castle on Saturday, on a tent on the castle grounds. The wedding party and close family and friends went up to the castle on Friday and will be staying the weekend there, anyone else that was invited had rooms set aside from them at local hotels.

We'll be doing most of the details of the event in comments on this post! Feel free to post IC/OOC (reactions, what your character was wearing, etc etc.), start up your own threads (there will be specific event tags!)...just have fun with it!

More pictures! )

Jul. 22nd, 2012


WHO: Megan, Hestia, Mary, and.. ?
WHEN: Sunday, 4pm
WHERE: Jones' house in Ballycastle
WHAT: Bridal Shower!
STATUS: Open to: Hestia, Gwen, Mary, Meghan, Pippa, or anyone reasonably close enough to Hestia to be invited!

At 4:00 in the afternoon, Megan was standing by the door, waiting to greet the guests. The dining room in her mother's home was set up with all sorts of homemade (read: Megan-made) treats, and there were beverages available, including but not limited to tea, lemonade, and pitcher of Hugo cocktails*. The arrival of Jones, Paterson, and Diggle women, in addition to Hestia's friends, was a little overwhelming. Some of the family members were staying the night, so Megan had spent the morning preparing guest rooms in addition to setting up for the party. As the maid of honour, she felt very accomplished, albeit a little tired.

By 4:02, she decided that waiting by the door was not terribly practical. Besides, the balloons outside looked inviting. Perhaps people would just walk in. Megan didn't mind that at all. Keeping her ears focused and listening for door noises, she stepped into the kitchen to get herself a glass of water. Her sister was getting married. In the flurry of activity surrounding preparations, Meg hadn't spent much time sitting and processing the thought. She was happy about having a brother, especially when that brother was Dedalus. (She thought Hestia Diggle was a somewhat funny name, but she'd never, ever share that with anyone.) The pair really was a perfect one, and she was glad for it.

The sound coming from the foyer could only be her grandmother. The older woman had a very distinctive voice and very noisy shoes, click-clacking across the Jones' floor before reaching a rug. Megan smiled. It was lovely to be around so much family. Before she went to greet her grandmother, though, she noticed a plate of biscuits sitting on the counter. Leaving them in the kitchen wouldn't do. She picked them up and hurried for the door, intent on setting them down with the other snacks before greeting people again. She nearly caused a collision on the way out. "Oh, Merlin! I'm sorry! It's alright, we didn't spill any!" At least she'd forgotten her water.

OOC: Comment if you'd like, and please tag your characters as they enter.

*I don't even know if it's a good idea to make a whole pitcher, but it's prosecco, mint leaves, and elderflower, and it's tasty, and it's a refreshing drink to have in summertime. (:

Jun. 30th, 2012


WHO: Dedalus and Hestia
WHEN: Backdated to late Friday evening.
WHERE: Their new house outside of Rickmansworth.
WHAT: Dedalus still isn't back at her home in Hogsmeade for the evening, Hestia goes to check on him.
STATUS: Closed, in progress.

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WHO: Anyone who obtained an invitation.
WHAT: Fundraising ball/mingling!
WHEN/WHERE: International Wizarding Museum, Edinburgh. Starts at 8:00PM/20:00.
STATUS: Forever ongoing.
*Please add your character's tag in when you join!

Awareness Night: Fundraiser for St. Mungo's

[for more information about what this event is all about, click here.]
your invitation serves as your personal portkey to edinburgh )

Jun. 19th, 2012


Wedding Invitation!

You are cordially invited to... )

Jun. 14th, 2012


WHO: Dedalus and Hestia
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon.
WHERE: One of the hallways in the Department of Mysteries.
WHAT: Hestia comes to Dedalus' rescue, following this. They also go look at a house! And then celebrate.
STATUS: Closed, in progress.

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Jun. 10th, 2012


WHO: Open to Regulus, Mary, Sirius, Remus, Hestia, and Dedalus.
WHEN: Sunday morning, after sending his patronus out to the others asking them to meet him. Following this.
WHERE: Grimmauld Place.
WHAT: Regulus is still panicking and starts putting his plan of action in motion.
STATUS: In-progress.

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(ooc) )

May. 30th, 2012


Owls to Megan and Gwen Jones )

Owl post to Regulus sent a bit later )


WHO: Dedalus and Hestia
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon.
WHERE: The Ever-Locked room, Department of Mysteries.
WHAT: After a crazy weekend, Dedalus has something to discuss with Hestia.
RATING: PG to PG-13ish.
STATUS: Complete.

Watching you stand alone, all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow. I have died every day waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years. )

May. 25th, 2012


WHO: Dedalus and Hestia
WHEN: Very late Thursday evening.
WHERE: Dedalus' flat in London.
WHAT: Takes place after this. They have quite a few things to discuss, you see. ALL THE FEELS.
STATUS: Complete.

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