November 2012





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Mar. 1st, 2012


WHO: Seamus Finnigan, Ron Weasley, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Ginny Weasley, Embyr Rivers, Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, Vicky Frobisher, and Harry Potter. Any other sixth year Gryffs I might have missed!
WHEN: March 1, late evening
WHERE: Gryffindor Common Room
WHAT: Ron turns 18. The Gryffindors par-tay. Things (probably) get a touch out of control.
STATUS: Open, in progress.

Milford Sound in New Zealand

The House Elves have carefully crafted the Gryffindor-themed cake pictured above, as well as a whole table-full of other goodies. Seamus has pulled out most of his liquor stash - a bottle or two of Firewhiskey, some Cognac, a lot of Butterbeer - after making sure that anyone fifth year or under has gone up to bed. Hermione has distracted Ron with their supposed prefect rounds while the rest of the cubs set up and decorate the room - garland, party hats, perhaps Dean has painted a "Happy Birthday, Ron!" banner. Embyr may be setting up a drink mixing station with Seamus' supply. Someone is setting up a way to play music. Just before Hermione and Ron re-enter the Common Room, many of the Gryffs grab fistfuls of Parvati's carefully-made confetti and get ready to throw.

The portrait hole opens, and the party begins....

OOC Note )

Feb. 12th, 2012


Sweethearts Dance

WHAT: The Annual Sweethearts Dance
WHO: Current 6th and 7th Years, Hogwarts alumni from 1994 to 1997.
WHEN: Sunday, 5:00PM
WHERE: Hogwarts, Great Hall

The Great Hall is over-the-top but luckily not a deluge of pink. Flitwick and McGonagall charmed and transfigured things to smell sweetly, sparkle, glow in soft pinks and reds, and give a general romantic feel. Think the Yule Ball, where there are round tables set up around the perimeter and an open dance floor. There is an eight-piece orchestra that takes requests, giving contemporary music, even, a classical spin. There is food galore -- mostly sweets but some savory dishes as well. Rose-water punch and strawberry ice cream. Blackberry apple cider. Chocolates. Cakes. Customizable, charmed candy hearts are available to give to your date or your best mate. There are some WWW Valentine's pinwheel fireworks overhead. If you can imagine it, it's happening.

Feel free to comment below with your character's clothes, date, anything of note that happened. Also, feel free to enjoy your own threads or reactions or whatever. Really, have fun.