November 2012





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Oct. 11th, 2012


WHO: Zacharias and Simon
WHEN: Thursday, after classes
WHERE: Library, far corner
WHAT: Simon found out about Zacharias' little secret. Well, one of them.
RATING: PG - PG13 depending on language.
STATUS: Open, in-progress, closed.

How could he not know? )

Sep. 16th, 2012


Characters: Josephine Dorny and Zacharias Smith
Setting: Prefects Bathroom
Rating: PG13+ for language and who knows
Content: None yet
Summary: Discussing situations
Status: In Progress

They could wait five years maybe even ten )

Sep. 15th, 2012


Owl to Susan Bones at Mungo's )


Owl to Hannah Abbott )

Sep. 10th, 2012


Package left for Simon-on his bed )

Aug. 26th, 2012


Who: Hannah Abbott, Zacharias Smith, and open to Megan Jones
What: Hannah's worried. And baking.
Where: Hannah's cottage
When: Sunday evening
Rating: Family friendly
Status: Closed; incomplete
Warnings: None

Why didn't she notice something? Reach out? Say something? )

Aug. 24th, 2012


WHO: Justin and Zacharias
WHEN: Backdated to Wednesday night
WHERE: off the coast of Greece, in a boat
WHAT: their last night on holiday
STATUS: Closed, in-progress

It was their last day on holiday and they were stranded. )

Jul. 17th, 2012


WHO: Josie & Pansy, open to Zach if he feels so inclined to join
WHAT: Girl Talk, Party Planning, general French fancy-pantsness
WHERE: Parkinson family home just outside of Cannes, France
WHEN:: Tuesday afternoon
RATING: SFW, I imagine.

It really felt good to have friends that wanted to spend time with her. )

Jul. 16th, 2012


Characters: Josephine Dorny and Zacharias Smith
Setting: Platform 7 1/2
Rating: PG13
Content: None yet
Summary: Travelling
Status: In Progress

She had five minutes to find Zach and get onto the train before if left for France )

Jul. 14th, 2012


Who: Drew and Zacharias
What: Chat about stuff after open mic night
Where: Random coffee house
When: Saturday evening
Rating: PG (Drew has a mouth on him...and I meant that in a swearing sense, this is a no snogging zone after all)
Status: Incomplete

He was suprised when Zacharias stayed back )

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