November 2012





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Aug. 25th, 2012


WHO: Wayne Hopkins and William Hopkins (NPC)
WHEN: Saturday; August 25, 1998; around 5am
WHERE: Ilfracombe, Devonshire, England
WHAT: Wayne and his father have a long overdue conversation
STATUS: Closed, Complete

He looked from his cup, giving his father a defiant look as if daring him to say something negative about it. )

Aug. 23rd, 2012


WHO: Wayne Hopkins, JB (NPC), other various NPCs
WHEN: Thursday, August 23, 1998, around 8pm
WHERE: Somewhere in muggle London
WHAT: Erik (NPC) is a no show and Wayne goes to his house to investigate
RATING: R for language, violence and anti-gay negativity
STATUS: Closed, Complete
DISCLAIMER: The views of NPC characters do not reflect the views of the players. Just lending a hand to a dark and interesting storyline. This post is not suitable for all audiences.

We don't want you here )

Aug. 7th, 2012


Owl to Mrs. Mairead Finnigan, Finnigan Farms, Kenmare )

Aug. 5th, 2012


[ooc: Sent on Monday night, after Aidan leaves.]

Owl to Eddie Wood )

Aug. 4th, 2012


Who: The Lynch Siblings! Aidan, Connor and Aoife.
What: Connor and Aoife have Things To Say to Aidan (and gratuitous shirtless icon use).
Where: Connor's flat.
When: Monday evening, August 6th, 1998.
Rating: PG-13 for language most likely.
Status: In progress/closed.

The times in the past when his brother and sister had ganged up on him like this had never ended well for Aidan. )

Jul. 30th, 2012


WHO: Connor Lynch and his sister (NPC) Aoife Lynch
WHEN: Monday morning.
WHERE: Aoife's house
WHAT: Connor brings breakfast to his sister's place.
STATUS: Closed/In progress

Am I dreaming this? Surely I am not )

Jul. 29th, 2012


Who: Trása, (NPCs) Aoife and Siobhan.
What: Redecorating Sib’s room in Aidan’s house!
Where: Dublin.
When: Saturday, July 21, 1998.
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Warnings: A single swear!

He’s pretty to look at, but a complete idiot. )

Jul. 25th, 2012


Who: Oliver and Angus (NPC) Wood, Jessica Moran
What: Dinner at the World Cup and meetin' Papa
Where: Poland World Cup camp grounds
When: Night before the games begin!
Rating: SFW
Status: Closed, in progress

No matter what way you sliced it, the wizard tinkering away at the stove, wand in hand and apron on waist, was every bit what you would expect from the father of Oliver and Edwardine-strapping, smiling and a bit silly. )

May. 20th, 2012


An announcement from your headmistress

Professor Burbage and her 6th, and 7th year Muggle Studies classes are hosting an end-of-the-year dance. In the Muggle world, at times, this is called a prom. It will be on June 9, beginning at 7:00 in the evening and going through until midnight in our Great Hall. Planning and preparation is not, of course, limited to the Muggle Studies classes, so if any students are interested in volunteering, please let me or Professor Burbage know immediately.

The purpose of this announcement, however, is this -- all 6th and 7th years may suggest a THEME for your prom. On Wednesday next we will take a vote on all suggestions and your prom theme for the 9th of June will be announced. Please leave your themes in a warded comment to me and Professor Burbage below.

Thank you, students, and have a pleasant and studious evening.