November 2012





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Aug. 4th, 2012


Dedalus and Hestia's Wedding!

WHO: Just about anyone and everyone!
WHEN: Starting at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon, going into the wee hours of Sunday morning.
WHERE: Kinnettles Castle, Scotland.
WHAT: The wedding day (pre-ceremony, the wedding, and wedding reception!).
STATUS: Open, ongoing.

Dedalus and Hestia's wedding took place at Kinnettles Castle on Saturday, on a tent on the castle grounds. The wedding party and close family and friends went up to the castle on Friday and will be staying the weekend there, anyone else that was invited had rooms set aside from them at local hotels.

We'll be doing most of the details of the event in comments on this post! Feel free to post IC/OOC (reactions, what your character was wearing, etc etc.), start up your own threads (there will be specific event tags!)...just have fun with it!

More pictures! )

Jul. 29th, 2012


WHO: Regulus and Melinda.
WHEN: Monday morning, early.
WHERE: Her father's apothecary in Diagon Alley.
WHAT: Regulus goes to secure the hangover potions for the weekend and chats with Melinda a little.
RATING: PG-13 at most, I'd imagine.
STATUS: Closed, in progress.

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Jun. 30th, 2012


WHO: Anyone who obtained an invitation.
WHAT: Fundraising ball/mingling!
WHEN/WHERE: International Wizarding Museum, Edinburgh. Starts at 8:00PM/20:00.
STATUS: Forever ongoing.
*Please add your character's tag in when you join!

Awareness Night: Fundraiser for St. Mungo's

[for more information about what this event is all about, click here.]
your invitation serves as your personal portkey to edinburgh )

Jun. 27th, 2012


WHO: Tonks, Regulus, Mary, and Edmund.
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon (around lunchtime).
WHERE: Grimmauld Place.
WHAT: Regulus has somethings he needs to explain to Tonks and Tonks meets Mary. Then around two o'clock, Edmund stops by and meets Mary to explain how he'll help protect her!
RATING: PG-13 to Rish for cursing.
STATUS: Complete.

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Jun. 12th, 2012


WHO: Edmund and Regulus
WHEN: Backdated to Monday evening, eight o'clock.
WHERE: The Clog & Billycock in Dunfermline.
WHAT: Regulus asks Edmund for his assistance.
RATING: PG-13 at most, I'd imagine.
STATUS: Closed, in progress.

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WHO: Oliver and Regulus
WHEN: Nine o'clock Tuesday evening.
WHERE: The Leaky Cauldron.
WHAT: The two work on reconciling things.
RATING: PG to PG-13, I'd imagine.
STATUS: Closed, in progress.

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Jun. 10th, 2012


WHO: Regulus and Rainer
WHEN: Sunday after lunch.
WHERE: Rainer's flat.
WHAT: Regulus goes to tell Rainer the news before she hears it from someone else.
RATING: TBD, probably high because of language.
STATUS: Closed, in progress.

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Owl post.

Owl to Edmund Proudfoot. )


WHO: Open to Regulus, Mary, Sirius, Remus, Hestia, and Dedalus.
WHEN: Sunday morning, after sending his patronus out to the others asking them to meet him. Following this.
WHERE: Grimmauld Place.
WHAT: Regulus is still panicking and starts putting his plan of action in motion.
STATUS: In-progress.

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(ooc) )

Jun. 9th, 2012


Who: Mary and Regulus
What: Mary has something to tell Regulus and his past paranoia resurfaces.
Where: Their flat in Diagon Alley.
When: Late Saturday evening, early Sunday morning.
Rating: PG-13ish to R-ish, for suggestive themes and language.
Status: Complete.

This was not the way they planned on ending the day after a win in Quidditch... )

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